Seth Carlson

I fucking hate John McCain; his political career has been driven, alternately, by callousness and blatant toadying. He makes claims to moral stands against the status quo and then proceeds to immediately fall in line with everyone else. He is the kind of person who has made the world a worse place in his time on it.

Did he fucking really? Ugh.

I can't believe people here are actually sad that there's gonna be a half hour less of Chris Hardwick on television.

I like to think he's terrified of them reaming him for stealing their Yahoo Answers bit and is getting out while he can.

It's such an odd movie, and not simply because it's Lynch at near-peak Lynchian. It's a pretty remarkable showcase for Sheryl Lee, obviously, but the opening half-hour with Desmond's investigation of Teresa Banks' murder, without any actual narrative connective tissue to the Laura Palmer story the way it plays out in

Nobody with the power to do anything about it. Otherwise he wouldn't be getting away with it for 20+ years.

I'm fairly certain that Dave Chappelle is the single biggest factor in the way that the public has generally laughed off R Kelly's creepiness.

R. Kelly is one of the most openly vile people in the entertainment industry and for some reason nobody's ever really taken his abuse particularly seriously. Even when he was on trial my memory is that everyone just kinda laughed about it, because Dave Chappelle made a funny skit about how he likes to pee on women.

R Kelly is obviously the worst person in all this, but the article gets a verbatim quote from one of the parents that she knew about R Kelly's history and still didn't particularly mind letting her teenage daughter around him. That's some grade-A awful parenting.

The original Dead trilogy is obviously the touchstone of Romero's legacy, but I'd just like to talk about how much I love Creepshow. It's like the peak of funhouse-style horror. Just a immensely rewatchable delight, and the cockroach segment (specifically the swarm of them bursting out of E.G. Marshall's chest while

I'd like a non-Star Wars space opera to succeed as well, just as long as it isn't something by Luc Besson.

IV I still think you're the best writer on the AV Club but saying that a movie is too ______ to "qualify as art" is maybe the dumbest and snobbiest thing I've seen on the movie section of this site in some time

I'm aware. Doesn't make it okay.

I sympathize with the impotent rage of feeling something you feel ownership over being swept out from under you, but like…he's in his 50's. Act like a fucking adult and maybe don't threaten to murder the people working under you because things aren't going your way.

Regardless of competence level, railing against him like he does seems like super bad form. Wouldn't a good showrunner be able to keep a better measure of control and direction? A millionaire blaming the lackeys for everything seems shitty. It's not like his work as a writer on season 1 was unimpeachable to begin with.

Something about the tone of the emails tells me that he may be petty as shit and unwilling to let a perceived slight go.

I'm similarly curious how Wally Pfister got the helm of a $100 million Johnny Depp-starring would-be blockbuster despite being completely untested as a director.

John R. Leonetti also directed Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, so Wish Upon and Annabelle actually seem like pretty significant steps up. Maybe in another 20 years he'll reach actual consistent competence!

I'd be down for an adaptation that just like, satirized the source material for the nonsense that it is, Starship Troopers-style.