Seth Carlson

yeah, i'm kinda…wondering exactly what the point of bringing it up was here. liiiittle creepy.

Curious how he doesn't even mention the racism in his apology, like his actual problem is "disrespect for authority." Hmmmmm.

Alejandro Jodorowsky on the rape scene in El Topo:
"When I wanted to do the rape scene, I explained to [Mara Lorenzio] that I was going to hit her and rape her. There was no emotional relationship between us, because I had put a clause in all the women's contracts stating that they would not make love with the

This take! It's spicy! It's on fire!

My intense dislike of Vincent Gallo overpowers everything that's good about it.

My problem with them as distributors of original content is that they don't seem to put any kind of marketing effort into most of their movies. The majority of the time, the first time I read about a new Netflix movie is when it gets a review on here.

"and a poster that just says “Jazz Festival”" is maybe the funniest thing I've read today

The principal WAS a former drill sergeant.

Oh yeah, I know enough teachers as an adult to know they find a lot of shit as asinine as we did as students.

Oh no, they didn't suspend me for talking shit about DARE. That would be insane. I had made a not-at-all-serious threat at the classmate sitting next to me (we were friendly at the time and frequently gave each other shit) and he thought it would be funny if he told the teacher. And since this was in the wake of

In sixth grade I got suspended for writing a bad thing in the journal that I kept as part of our computer class (long story). As part of the meeting between the principal and my parents, they also brought in the cop who earlier that day had given a DARE sesh in my social studies class, and during the meeting said cop

This is straight up one of the worst songs of the decade

Their hatred of the thought of a black man in office overpowered their Trump-shame.

Well yeah. But he still shows up at WWE stuff once or twice a year, and was still actively wrestling for them as recently as a few years ago.

Yeah, I remember a similar thing happening when Kim got robbed at gunpoint last year. There were people here fucking criticizing Kanye for stopping his show that night when he found out about the robbery, because "he has a job to do and it's not like he could've done anything anyway." It's stunning on a regular basis

Eh, I dunno if he hasn't "earned it." Dude has questionable aesthetic taste in projects but I'd put him as one of the most purely charismatic stars working. He worked his butt off in his time as a wrestler (for all the calls of fakery, that job still isn't easy). For all I know he might be a massive asshole off-camera

It truly was the hipsters who doomed us all.

It would be terribly fitting though for two major presidential candidates in 5 years to have ties to WWE. Just like, the most wretchedly American thing I could imagine. And it'd be interesting to see how Johnson's relationship with the WWE would play out, given that Linda McMahon is in the Trump administration and

I really, truly do not want this to happen, and wish he would stop with this, but at the same time…couldn't be any worse than what we have now, right? At the very least, the example he would set for discourse would raise about 3 billion percent from Dorito Mussolini. I dunno what kinda person he is in private but the

So…what? Should he just do everything in secret for the rest of his life? The dude likes to engage with his followers. There's nothing wrong with that. What is wrong with him firing back at people—who, i should emphasize, do not know him personally—presuming to know better than him (and lecture him accordingly) how he