Seth Carlson

This attitude of "he shared some of his grief in a public forum, that gives me the right to judge him for all of his life choices" that I'm seeing from some people here is fucking staggering. Not surprising, since it is The Internet, but…man there are some arrogant little sociopaths on the AV Club these days.

So you're kind of a creep huh

They're not "disagreeing with him," they're making smug judgment calls on his own personal life choices that don't affect anyone except him and his family. Like, seriously imagine someone you've never met telling you on Twitter that you're grieving wrong and why can't you act like this other famous widower. Now

Criticizing the people who smugly looked down at him and judged him for not grieving in The Right Way is cyberbullying now?

He will never not look to me like someone google image searched a generic bodybuilder and photoshopped a baby's head onto it.

imagine seeing people and the world like this grotesque dessicated vampire does. imagine being someone who reads the shit he writes and going "wow, that guy is someone i want to hear more from!"

As A Gay Dude (tm), I think his comment was dumb and ill-considered, but I'm not particularly upset by it. I am, however, not the only Gay Person around, so I recognize that my opinion is not the only one that matters. Which is why what upsets me CONSIDERABLY more than Andrew Garfield's dumb joke is the legions of

There's like this attitude with the breed of milquetoast liberal that makes up the AV Club's commentariat where they think that because they have less objectively shitty opinions than conservatives, that means that they have nothing more to learn about stuff like social justice, and they (and their milquetoast liberal

Just found a whole bunch of comments in his profile smugly lecturing a black woman about how she shouldn't be allowed to use the N-word. Yikes-a-roonie.

It would be like, at least a little more tolerable if 70% of the songs in Fallout 4 weren't recycled from 3. That shit's just lazy right there.

Jesse Hughes is by his own admission a pretty far-right Republican so his response wasn't a huge surprise, sadly.

No, there's plenty of nonsense on my part. I'm just not willing to give somebody a pass because they didn't really MEAN it you guys!!!, or because their general political views align with mine, or because I like their work, or whatever.

I still like some punk music, but watching The Decline of Western Civilization for the first time last year was a pretty sharp reminder that the majority of the people making punk/hardcore music are despicable.

Sometimes I forget that the AV Club's commentariat is largely made up of the most unbearable kind of milquetoast liberal dudes who will happily defend awful behavior as long as it's being done by someone they like (imagine the reaction if like, this had happened at a fucking Ted Nugent concert or something). Articles

It's like, one of the most common defenses I see assholes run to when they get called out for saying/doing something shitty and/or bigoted and I'm frankly kinda stunned that a regular commenter here would stoop to it

No you don't understand, it's only punk if people get mad at the things I'M mad at, otherwise they're a bunch of PC pussies

What was sarcastic about what he said? What is being satirized?

when you rebel against the Man by unironically embodying the Man's worst traits

~nobody cares if you think it's too soon since his wife died~

AV Club is a pop culture website. The Kardashian spawn are a part of pop culture, whether we like it or not.