Seth Carlson

Then like…why did they withhold his real name then? Like the other person said, either publish their name or don't. Holding it over his head (and announcing that you're doing so) is fucking weird.

Yeah, this whole story just sounds icky as hell from all sides, and it seems to show a pretty astonishing level of vindictiveness from CNN toward a private citizen (regardless of how shitty said citizen may be).

She keeps a list on her website of every publication and/or public figure who's ever talked shit about her queer status. She's great.

I'm genuinely curious how much more steam this series has. I enjoyed some of the later ones quite a bit but man has it burned me out quickly.

I would be super duper down with some queerness in the FF franchise

The series hasn't even pretended to be about cars since 5 though.

Just because he was less openly malicious than Trump does not mean that he wasn't malicious. I mean, actions speak louder than words, and while Trump is about the most obnoxious and openly disgusting candidate who's ever run for public office, he has not gotten us into an war on wholly fabricated grounds that cost the

In fairness, there was always gonna be a big pushback. That's how it's always gone whenever there's been any kind of social progress.

I voted for Hillary, genius. But she was maybe the least inspiring candidate that could have come from the Democratic Party in 2016 and the fact that she got somewhat more votes than the most bluntly awful candidate to ever run for the office doesn't really make that untrue.

Well *technically* Sean Hannity made a big fuss about it being retracted.

I didn't read much news for the last couple days so I had momentarily forgotten that we are currently living in the worst timeline. Trump's tweets were a good quick refresher course.

I saw Jen Kirkman echo that claim the other day. It's been over half a year and Hillary diehards still seem hellbent on blaming the outcome of the election on literally everything but Hillary herself.

Ugh. Like, why do liberals even listen to her? She founded fucking Heat Street, a site populated by possibly the dumbest far-right pundits on the entire Internet. Her word means less than nothing.

Hey let's give more ammo to the people relentlessly calling the news channel we work for fake news. Great idea. *drinks bleach*

It's fun to see how many arguments there are on this site and elsewhere based largely on speculation. Big-buget tentpole movies and their fanboys/girls are the fucking pits.

All those Lawrence Kasdan movies you listed there were from 30+ years ago. Since then he's made The Bodyguard (bad), Wyatt Earp (bad), Dreamcatcher (REALLY bad), Darling Companion (haven't seen it but it has a 22% on RT so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's probably bad), and Force Awakens, which isn't bad but is

Yeah, I read her Jezebel interview hoping that maybe she was just caught in an off-moment or something during that Q&A but the interview somehow made her look even worse.

This comment thread was a trip, holy shit

Also The Sexy Brutale sounds pretty awesome. Might pick it up, depending on how Sexy it actually is.

That's fair, but I wonder how one better demonstrates the issues in the system than by bringing up the most successful director in cinema history. She obviously could've articulated her issues a bit better (and in a way that didn't kinda throw The Color Purple under the proverbial bus) but I still kinda don't see much