Seth Carlson

Got a weird hankerin' to play Persona Q again (even though I'm in the middle of my New Game+ playthru of Persona 5) so I picked it up last night, along with the recent Ratchet & Clank remake. With my re-purchase of PQ I only have Dancing All Night left and I'll have bought every single Persona game multiple times. I'm

I feel like all this backlash kinda missed the point of what she was trying to say, though…like, yeah what she said was *technically* inaccurate, but he's made what…3 movies with female leads in nearly 50 years? Still not a great track record.

The Wikipedia summary says she's still rescued, but she's still hallucinating while they do it so she thinks her friend is still alive. Which seems like a whole lot of narrative fuckery. If you're a horror movie and you're gonna trick the audience into thinking the hero's gotten away when they haven't, why turn around

It is curious how I've literally never heard any artist complain about clean versions being shown on airplanes. Like…do Judd Apatow, Seth Rogen, et al not realize that these versions already exist? They were already made. Making them more widely available doesn't actually change anything.

It's like people are actively trying to will the eye-rolling Harry Potter comparisons into reality.

Yeah, I think it can go without saying whenever there's a controversial woman celebrity that a sizable chunk of the hatred toward her is pure misogyny.

I might've been able to stand it if they had like, made at least a tiny effort to conceal how calculated the whole thing was to bolster support for Clinton. Realizing you're watching a glorified campaign ad instead of a comedy show is kiiiind of a laugh-killer. It'd probably be at least a tiny bit more tolerable if it

It might be the actual worst thing on the Internet. It singlehandedly turned me from someone who thought anti-Dunham sentiment was weirdly overblown into a full-on hater.

Aw, thanks!

I think that Lena Dunham's unholy Pantsuit Anthem did far more damage. Broad City is at least a funny show. Pantsuit Anthem made me want to die, come back to life, and die again.

Broad City DESTROYS Trump By Making a Joke About Him

I agree, just didn't want to bring even more tankies down on my head.

For fuck's sake, AV Club.

That's the one! Thanks!

That's what I meant by the "criticizes the US" bit. And as far as never seeing a leftist praise Putin, they're definitely not as common as they used to be, but…we're in the comments of an article about one such person.

I read a piece online about a year back or so about an Infowars-worshipping conspiracy theorist who lost his son in the Sandy Hook shooting and found himself on the receiving end of this shit (he's not a conspiracy theorist anymore, if that doesn't go without saying). I wish I could remember where the article was,

I'm definitely not denying the circumstances. And "drooling morons" might have been a bit too far, apologies. I tend to get a bit testy when it comes to Venezuela specifically, because I have a friend who ultimately had to flee the country because things are so awful there (and he is definitely not right-wing). He's

Yep! As recently as two weeks ago I saw someone on Facebook calling North Korea a Good and Sovereign nation that is more progressive than any western nation. They're really something else.

There's a certain subsect of leftists who will defend/justify any atrocity committed by anyone as long as they identified as socialist or communist, or in some cases simply criticized US imperialism (which is where I assume Putin comes in). They're the worst.

The AV Club
"Exhausting and unlikable"