Seth Carlson

I know that the US is responsible for a lot of it. Don't know where you got the assumption that I didn't. Doesn't make it okay either way. I'm not pro-America.

I gotta say, I didn't expect to see someone actually, unironically DEFENDING genocide in the comments of an AV Club article, but I guess you learn something new every day!

But obviously tankie fuckheads like you are beyond reason so I'm gonna go ahead and block ya, sweetie. Go ahead and keep feeling superior to everyone else like the smarmy asshole you are.

Gonna repeat it again, since you're apparently too fucking smug and stupid to get it—cultural relativism does not mean shit when people are getting murdered en masse for simply being who they are. I'm not defending the US for any of the vile shit they've done (particularly in their role in helping to instill the

And I do mind, but fuck you again for presuming like the smug tankie dipshit you are. But of course, people like you don't actually care about human lives as long as the people doing the killing call out US imperialism, right?

Cultural relativism doesn't mean shit when people are getting murdered for no good reason but feel free to keep defending actual mass murderers, you fucking tankie slime :)

Are you seriously saying that telling someone to not murder people for being queer is "forcing liberal values" on them? Go fuck yourself.

That's lovely! Congrats!

Not pro-gay! Anything but that!

I don't know if these kind of people are even much of a thing these days anymore (though dumber things have happened), but I just wanna toss out that if you identify as leftist and support Vladimir Putin in any way, you have absolutely no business calling yourself an ally to any kind of LGBTQ+ cause. Also, you're a

Nah, he's been like this for a while. See also: his drooling love of Hugo Chavez and various other South American dictators.

What do you have to say about Putin and Russia's virulently anti-LGBTQ+ agenda, and Putin's implicit endorsement of the genocide of gay men going on in Chechnya?

I think it's a great movie, but…yeah. It's also a pretty stark reminder that Stone kinda has issues with gay people.

I knew Stone was too far gone when he made that propaganda-piece-for-Chavez-and-various-other-South-American-dictators-disguised-as-a-documentary South of the Border. He really has a thing for brutally authoritarian dictators, as long as they criticize the US.

I didn't say anything like that, but feel free to continue being a condescending asshole. I don't think he should go free, I just think people should stop treating her as if her opinion doesn't matter or that they know better than her just because they disagree with her.

I feel like that mindset is a bit contradictory to the notion that we should listen to victims, though. I despise Roman Polanski, but whose opinion would be more relevant to this entire ordeal than the person who's been most directly affected by it?

At least you have what's most important, which is a smug sense of superiority over everyone else. Keep on truckin', Trey Parker.

I remember around the time he won the Oscar for The Pianist I saw an op-ed on some website (this was before the Rise of the Clickbait Thinkpiece) that straight up said, in non-ambiguous language, that he deserves to be forgiven simply because he's made some great movies.

Yeah, it's not like there aren't tons of other great movies out there. I don't feel a lack of anything in particular by not watching any more Woody Allen or Roman Polanski movies.

You ever notice how the Gameological articles are almost always the AV Club articles with the least amount of assholes and unfunny snark in the comments, in spite of how gamers on the Internet tend to be the worst people alive? Really makes you think…