Seth Carlson

Even when I was at the prime age to find that shit funny, I thought it was stupid. But then I'm gay so I'm sure Carolla has no time for me. I'm not a real MAN after all.

So the argument you're making is that it's okay to make jokes about how disgusting gay people are, as long as the target audience thinks it's funny?

My feelings on Nicki Minaj as an artist aren't terribly strong one way or the other, but I see hate thrown her way on bad Internet comment threads so often that I feel like "I hate Nicki Minaj" has become shorthand for "I'm a boring low-key racist shithead"

how about "happy that someone is doing good things in the world?" If your thoughts on charity are dampened by the person giving the charity, simply because you don't like their music, it may be time to re-examine your priorities.

Also, six credited screenwriters? Are we sure this isn't gonna be shit?

Yikes that logo. Yiiiiiiiiiikes.

I dunno. I don't think she's like, a virulent bigot, but the tenor of her frustration over the issue just struck me as super weird. It's one thing to be frustrated about fanfiction of your own work (which by itself kinda makes me think a little less of her, because getting angry about how a primarily young audience

She straight up said that she "has a problem with little girls thinking her characters are gay", and called it a "weird fantasy." Out of the decades of stuff, THIS is what she gets upset and gets into arguments on Twitter over. How is that not inherently homophobic?

This review forgets the Dirty Dancing sequel from 2004 that one would assume was DTV but was in fact theatrically released.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess those jokes are probably not as funny as you think they are.

I think Catherine has a lot of good ambitious ideas, but the execution is just…eugh. Vincent is a loathsome bore, the supporting cast isn't much better, and the game's super leery treatment of its women (save for Erica, who's ultimately treated like a cheap joke despite her being far and away the best character in the

That's a bummer. I think the game's worth seeing to the end, but if the third act put you off then it put you off I guess.

It's almost scary how good I am

Persona 5 DOESN'T maintain the quality though. There are stretches of the game where it's a genuine drag, both in the dungeons and in its storytelling. Saying that people are stupid or somehow don't deserve the game just because they happen to think it isn't 100% perfect, or because they play in a way you deem

It's pretty remarkable that it took 55 years for the first EON Bond to die. Having one of them not be around anymore feels…really, really strange.

I think the Brian De Palma comparison is maybe a bit unfair; there's way more on Persona 5's mind than your average De Palma flick. All the problems I have with P5 aside (and I agree with most of what you say here) I don't think cynicism is one of its flaws.

I don't think the twist lands with a thud at all—it felt to me like the game was telegraphing pretty heavily that Akechi was the traitor, and the *actual* twist was the absurdly intricate Ocean's Eleven-style metaphysical double play the team pulls on him. It cheats a bit in the narrative to pull it off

You're right. Sorry.

okay? you're not doing a great job of not sounding like an idiot.

Nah, I've definitely come across people like him on leftist facebook groups