Seth Carlson

it sounds like he's a socialist, actually, albeit one of the dipshit brocialist types who condescend to everyone around them and think that classism is the only thing that could possibly ever matter on the spectrum of oppression. they are invariably cishet white dudes.

lol this and your other post make you sound like someone who's been reading through her profile history getting madder and madder until you're like UGGGHHHH I'LL SHOW THAT FUCKING SJW

whoa you sure showed her dude. great argument

Since you're conveniently ignoring the responses telling you WHY empathizing with homophobes and neonazis doesn't work (and in any event I'm 100% sure you've never been in a situation where you would actually have to practice what you preach, i.e. someone threatening death and oppression against you for simply

That's more or less what I meant, but this dipshit here seems to think even THAT's a bridge too far.

First off—if you're not a part of a disenfranchised group (and from the way you talk it sure sounds that way), you have no (as in zero) grounds to tell them what they should or should not be doing. It's absurdly arrogant to assume you know their situation better than they do.

But then I'm not sure what I'm doing engaging with a bloated grotesque parody of a brocialist like you if you think that disenfranchised groups are to blame for said disenfranchisement. Get fucked.

You say this with the assumption that the people on the other side are interested in engagement (and if you've paid attention to the rise of certain groups over the last two years, you would know that they absolutely are not). You can't earnestly engage with someone who sees someone taking their vile rhetoric as valid

This is so fucking stupid and ahistorical. Allowing hate speech to float in the public realm without reprisal can only normalize the attitudes behind it. Actions are inherently tied to words.

Boy, brocialists sure do love to blame the oppressed for their oppression while turning around and claiming to fight for them

None of the characters started out particularly well-rounded. Taako's primary trait in the first arc (besides his vanity) was that he was extremely stupid, and now he's probably the most sensible one out of THB. I could see it as being a potential problem in the early going.

About the only thing keeping me from deleting my account is that it's the only consistent way I can easily keep in touch with most of my family and friends halfway across the country.

My Brother, My Brother and Me is an unwieldy-enough title to excuse the pre-emptive acronym I think

Even some of the McElroy-related FB groups have a tendency toward Toxic Liberal White Dude-itis lately.

See also: the bizarrely swift retribution to anyone posting that #Menaretrash thing on FB from last week.

Nope! Though I think the November-December events in P4 were about as long, so I at least sorta saw it coming.

I would suggest getting your Confidant rank with the doctor up to level 7 ASAP. At level 5 she starts selling SP regen accessories, and at level 7 she cuts their price in half to 50,000 yen. Still expensive but it made my dungeon runs way more fruitful for pretty much the rest of the game.

I'll just say get prepared for roughly 2 hours of cutscenes first.

Is there any rhyme or reason to collecting words? It seems totally random so far.

Yeah, the general lack of nuance is pretty glaring with the villains (especially Kaneshiro, who looks more overtly cartoonish than anyone in the game excepting Morgana). Without diving into spoilers too much (I don't know how to tag em) the main Big Bad is so over-the-top evil that he makes xxxxx from P4 look subtle.