Seth Carlson

I can't speak for anyone else here, but as a gay gamer who's spent most of his life seeing the topic of homosexuality in games treated as nonexistent, roundly mocked, or outright demonized, I think I have the right to like a game because it has some homosexuals in it. If you have a problem with that you can fuck off

I agree with you but how dare you slight The Orphanage's good name

lol you suck

How completely lacking in perspective do you have to be to not only praise a supposed message of anti-materialism in a movie expressly designed to sell merchandise to children, but to call it "profound?" Fucking hell, AV Club. This is the worst movie review I've read on here in a good while.

Fucking hell, that framing device sounds TERRIBLE.

Just a little passive-aggressive announcement here: Nobody cares whether you like Kim and/or Kanye. If you feel the need to preface your post with "I think they're awful and destroying the country" or whatever then your little get-well-soon platitudes kinda look, how you say…bullshit?

Ah yes, I must have forgotten about the magic way you can make it literally impossible for anyone to rob you ever, and how everyone who doesn't do it is an idiot who deserves it. Got it.

I dunno, I have a friend who had people break into his house a little over a decade ago and rob him and his family at gunpoint, and he still deals with PTSD from it. Lotta creepy judgments going on in these comments.

I'm sure you'd keep performing after hearing that your wife was just held up at gunpoint if you were in his shoes.

Yeah, his show seems like a well-oiled machine but I don't really have a problem with that. There was a neat moment when I saw him a couple years ago where one of the between-song videos wouldn't play, so he did a straight cover of "Radio Radio" by Elvis Costello while they fixed the problem, but I'm sure he's planned

Whoa, I didn't even think about Goblin until you pointed it out just now, but yeah I can definitely hear it.

Lewis kinda lives in the same space in my head that John Waters does, where I hate most of his movies but he's a fun guy and I respect his massive influence.

Seriously, is there a single video game series with as much of a consistent track record re: great music as Castlevania? Even the bad games usually have some quality bangers on the soundtrack.

I dunno about a straight-faced documentary, but there is a mockumentary called Paul McCartney Really Is Dead in which McCartney was killed in a car accident and MI5 forced the rest of the Beatles to cover it up so as to avoid mass suicide by Beatle fans.

Wasn't he a widower, not a divorcee?

It wasn't the Sprouse twins, it was the other brother. Butler supposedly flashed him, which got his mom to pull him from the show in a rage.

I'm not sure why you feel the need to shit-talk Fox/Undertale while talking up Itoi, but okay

I mean…Avengers 2 was only a year ago. Making things takes time.

The saddest days of my life were finding out that Angus Scrimm and Boris Karloff were just stage names.

Jimmy Fallon is the most bootlicking sycophant I've ever seen. He makes Jay Leno look hard-hitting.