Seth Carlson

Get this garbage back to Great Job Internet please where it belongs

Apparently this week Sam Barsanti can't post a single story without saying something deeply fucking stupid.

I read the responses to the tweet his lawyer made after he posted bail and they were all calling him Uncle Mark. It's so fucking creepy.

I'm looking at Twitter responses to his lawyer's tweet and they're all calling him Uncle Mark, which may be the creepiest thing I've come across this week. It's like how Gamergators call Christina Hoff Sommers "Mom." Yecch.

He pointed out something that the review already talked about, Mike pointed that out, dude said "Oh, I didn't read the review :)," then said something like "I think it's bad form for reviewers to respond to commenters directly :)," then when Mike said his last comment on this thread he said "Well you haven't convinced

Dude deleted his comments, but he flatly stated that he didn't read the review and got all smarmy when called out on it.

Whoa, you're both smug and a complete dumbass. A potent combo! Good job sir.

I feel like it's a cliche at this point to say "fuck 2016," but…2016, you make it so easy. Fuck you.

Are you serious? Calling Bill Hader the worst offender when Jimmy Fallon is RIGHT THERE? At least Bill Hader generally only did it with Stefon sketches, which were tailored by John Mulaney specifically to make him break.

You okay dude? You're sounding pretty………….salty

As much as I like JCVD, this shot, and D'Angelo, the way he's apparently chosen this hill to die on only gets more tedious and annoying the more he brings it up. Especially since he's incapable of talking about it without sounding smarmy and condescending as fuck.

I was gonna make a crack about him directing An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn, but…nah.

It isn't though, so…sorry your taste is bad?

a. you're wrong, and b. how are those two things related at all?

Oh right, if you reference anything in your work ever you're an unoriginal hack. Got it.

I'm gonna be That Guy and point out that Breaking the Waves was NOT Lars von Trier's English language debut; his overall debut in general The Element of Crime was.

Hillary doesn't need any help from the media to make Trump look like a hateful idiot turd. And I say this as someone who doesn't like Hillary.

Oh no! Breitbart is leaking again

What bums me out here is that I don't know if this will actually lead to any changes re: Twitter actually cracking down on bigots and bullies. Leslie Jones herself says she basically had to talk to the CEO directly to get Milo and his shitty little cohorts banned, and I don't imagine 99.999% of the other victims of

Whoa, you mean narrative movies aren't real life? Holy shit dude you're blowin my mind right now