Seth Carlson

See also: the harassment and death threats Roberta Lange got following the Nevada primary.

Y'all motherfuckers slash and burn half the site but THIS horseshit is considered quality content? Are you fucking kidding me?

His attitude (and the extremely warm critical and audience reception Heavy Rain got) seems endemic of this weird inferiority complex some games and gamers seem to have, where another medium is something to be aspired to instead of…just another medium. The word "cinematic" is brandished about for games like Uncharted

Purge Neko Case, keep Coldplay? You nightmare person

Where is the modern masterpiece that is Crash?

I think it speaks to his range that he was equally believable as Chekhov and as the bassist of a shitty punk band.

TMZ is saying that he was found pinned between his car and a brick mailbox, which seems like such a stupid and random way to die. Fuck this garbage.

I'm good, thanks.

Thanks for spelling out the joke to me like I'm a five year old, Joe. Nothing helps gut-busting comedy like explaining the joke.

Gawker, Hogan and Thiel all deserve each other.

So this is probably gonna be like, a special feature on a Pink Flamingos Criterion right?

I haven't listened to Kayo Dot since I was kinda into their first album in 2005. This sounds…a little different than I remember.

I'm glad I'm not in the entertainment industry, it's apparently impossible to not rape people once you've Made It.

Eh. I mean, I disagree with Mike's opinions at least as much as I agree with him in general, but the excerpts he's put into the review makes it sound like kiiiinda the worst.

Ah yes, the timeless, bulletproof argument that if you don't like someone's work you must not UNDERSTAND it, otherwise known as the verbal manifestation of a jerking off motion

Just because he might not know much about Plympton doesn't mean the movie isn't garbage

The Nutcracker inspired one of my favorite opening lines to an Ebert review—"From what dark night of the soul emerged the wretched idea for "The Nutcracker in 3D"?"

This is a dumb, pointless article about a dumb, pointless Facebook thing but Yard Sard will never not be funny to me.

A visit to Wikipedia tells me that the UK Now's (at least the current ones) are all double-disc, but the US ones are only single-disc. This is tyranny
