Seth Carlson

I don't think appropriation is the right word, but it is a bit creepy. Like, I'm genuinely not sure if I'd be flattered or deeply creeped out if this happened to me.

The one thing I do remember most clearly is of the closing credits, which are over a very long tracking shot of the hallways of a school they were shooting in, which are littered with dozens of crummy sleeping bags for the cast and crew.

I've seen it. It's been close to a decade since I watched it so I don't remember a ton, but Bramesco's take on it largely lines up with what I do remember. It's a fascinating documentary but yeah, my memories are of nothing going as planned, Lloyd Kaufman being kind of a tyrant, and the cast and crew in various stages

I'd love to see more attention paid to old diamonds-in-the-rough Poverty Row movies. Detour's about the only one I know of, apart from this one after reading about it here.

It hasn't been misunderstood. Just because it's more ambitious and complex than your average licensed movie game doesn't mean it's not bad. That said, this game has fascinated me for years and I kind of admire it even as I acknowledge that it's an unfun piece of crap.

Naw, I can instantly think of a couple great performances from both Norton and Gosling—Primal Fear, American History X, Birdman, The Believer, Half Nelson, Blue Valentine.

I was hoping this would be less Robert Redfordian obvious liberal pandering than the trailer made it look. Darn.

His Facebook, where he's also said that it's impossible to be friends with gay dudes because they always want to fuck him and get angry when he says no. And he's a Sandy Hook/Boston Marathon bombing truther.

I dunno. I'm a gay man and I am 100% for more non-cis/hetero representation in pretty much everything, but I worry that pushing for it in this way can lead to tokenism. But on the other hand, despite J.J. Abrams saying that this universe will have gay characters, I'm skeptical that Star Wars would come to it naturally

That was Ignatiy Vishnevetsky (y'know, one of the critics on this here site) that you called a pretentious bullshit artist. And you're the only one being arrogant here dude. I don't really have a side in the film vs digital fight but your attitude is really shitty for pretty much no reason.

Better watch out, lest Lt. Broccoli call you a pretentious bullshit artist with a fetish. How dare you have a differing opinion!

Holy shit, what is your fucking problem? Get over it man.

There was also the TV series Sightings, which was basically Unsolved Mysteries except exclusively devoted to UFOs instead of just mostly.

"My cyber-name is The Dutchman" is the best line I've heard in ages, and almost enough to make me want to see this piece of shit.

I always liked how Demon's Souls/Dark Souls worked in your repeated failure/death into the actual canon of the series. Are there any other games that do this besides, say, Planescape: Torment?

Didn't Philomena get denounced by some Catholic league or something when it came out, if not the Vatican itself? Or am I misremembering?

So presumably this will get a big denouncement from the Vatican and Spielberg will be picketed as anti-Christian when this thing comes out, right?

Finally, M83's long-awaited collab with the "Don't Hug Me I'm Scared" people

I'm weirdly delighted by the knowledge that Jackman kept the fake testicles.

Wait, is this review seriously acting like this is some blight on the pristine name of Full House or something? Have you not watched the show since you were six? Full House was always awful and this looks exactly as bad.