Seth Carlson

Our society seems to think that if you're a guy and you had a relationship with a guy at any point, no matter if you're also attracted to women, you're gay. Bisexuality doesn't even enter into most people's minds, or if it does they somehow equate the two to be synonyms. See also: Freddie Mercury.

Google searches tell me that they're actually lifelong friends. So I call "citation needed" on Mr. Hassenger here.

Keep in mind that it was only 6 years ago that Christine O'Donnell had to make a video literally saying "I'm not a witch" to try to placate the Republican base.

My problem with Liefeld goes beyond his bad anatomy or the So-Edgy 90's-ness of his work—everyone in his comics just looks butt-ugly. Look at his panels above—was he ever capable of drawing a character that didn't look constipated 24/7?

Yeah, who wants to actually THINK about what they're watching? Craziness.

Re: the "falling wrong" one, I remember there being a scene in Lost Highway where a dude gets shoved and straight-up impales his forehead on the corner of a table. Thanks for the nightmares, David Lynch.

Shame this article doesn't mention what was presumably the inspiration for this—Marya E. Gates of Rotten Tomatoes (oldfilmsflicker on Tumblr/Twitter) watching only movies directed by women through all of 2015.

No obituary for Brian Bedford? Granted, he wasn't the icon that Rickman and Bowie were but he was a pretty big force in theater. Also, he was the Robin Hood fox!

Still don't really know how I feel about this movie, nearly two years after I saw it. It's gorgeous to look at and listen to, but it left me feeling…grody, in a bad way. And I'm sure that was probably Refn's intention, but just because a movie succeeds at what it aims to do doesn't necessarily make it good. Vithaya

Refn is way too pretentious and self-obsessed to make a movie that's actually fun and audience-pleasing like Star Wars, and I say that as someone who generally likes his work.

And said on Twitter that The Revenant was simply too harsh a movie for any woman to handle.

"I paid $60 for a massage with my card and walked downstairs to the dressing area and froze in my effing tracks. For there were five or six older undressed Asian guys sitting and standing around, all wearing disgusting rubber flip-flops with two or three in towels and two or three without towels with their flabby

His site is a fucking treasure trove of insane, deeply insecure, toxic would-be masculinity. I can't find the link at the moment but he has also relayed a story about how he was in a guys' locker room and was so distraught at the presence of other naked men near him that he literally fled the room. Dude's got issues,

He used the turn of phrase "checking out the cheeks" when describing how he looked at Miles Teller's girlfriend. In other words, no.

It is HILARIOUS that Jeff Wells of "openly ogled Miles Teller's girlfriend in front of Miles Teller" and "emailed the director of 3:10 to Yuma to ask for nudes of Vinessa Shaw" fame would accuse anything or anyone of being "woman-hating." Fuck off Jeff Wells.

You don't have to tinker with the code to get to Sans' room, it's entirely possible on a normal pacifist run.

It's incredibly tough to talk about why Undertale is great without going into spoilers but I'll just say that there is much, MUCH more going on underneath the surface of the game than is shown in its first couple hours, and that playing through it more than once (it's a short game, only about 6 hours or so) can be

How much Hardy-on-dude action do we get here? I need to know for…reasons

I like Mclusky and the song, but are you guys already stretched this thin on finding material for Star Wars Week? A song that has literally nothing to do with Star Wars outside the title, and you use that as the entry point?