Seth Carlson

That was so nice of famous rich person Paul Bettany, to use an actual homeless couple as a muse and dedicate the resulting film to them rather than, y'know, actually helping them out.

Rated R for "strong bloody violence"? Huh? How does all that weird gunplay work into this goofy ass story? This movie looks bizarre enough that I actually wanna see it

Because "all lives matter!" is only ever used to draw attention away from the issue at hand—that black people are disproportionately targeted by police.

This is only tangentially related at best, but could we talk about what a fucking eyesore the new blu-ray cover for Bram Stoker's Dracula is? http://images2.static-blura…

Was there actually an endgame to this? I've seen a lot of videos of this game over the years but none that actually reached any kind of end goal. It was always just running around in stress-induced panic until you die.

"running 9000 volts through my childhood" How is this new Ghostbusters ruining your ability to enjoy the original, exactly?

I mean…no, it really isn't. The people who continue to identify her as Bruce/he are both wrong and shitty.

*her. not him.

This seems like a really neat game that I will never build up the amount of patience to play through.

he was pretty subdued in Stray Dog.