A Center For Aunts

The moustache is part of Crypto further hiding his identity. “They” will never find him now.

I don’t really have any strong opinions on Crypto, but I’mma need a mustache added to Wattson’s new skin STAT.

I just want the gross racial stuff gone. I want to see hot asian people fuck without gross “me so horny” things. I wanna see hot black people fuck without gross “bull” references. I’d also like the misogyny gone. And the incest.

Forbidden” doesn’t mean you can’t go there. It means you’re not supposed to.

You might consider it clickbait, but this isn’t a new opinion that I have in hindsight. I’ve worried about this for months:

All he had to do was say leave the N95 masks for health care workers who are definitely being exposed to coronavirus, and everyone else should be wearing cloth masks to protect themselves and others. He definitely shouldn’t have gone in the completely opposite direction and imply that masks were useless for the

I’ve seen enough videos this past couple weeks of so-called good cops randomly beating protesters, seeing their fellow cops beating protesters and coming over to help beat them without evaluating the situation whatsoever, throwing tear gas at passers-by, stealing a guy’s bike, running over protestors, shooting rubber

The basic thesis is that, since the “bad cops” are generally allowed to thrive without any real oversight or consequences, the problems are institutional and the “good cops” are complicit.

The game had a sequence where you beat up prisoners on Rikers Island. Rikers itself is so controversial that there is no a plan in place to finally close it for good; it’s basically one of the worst human rights violations that exists in the U.S. today. Look, I really enjoyed that game. But try to imagine a superhero

😭😭😭😭😭😭 the bad writers want depictions of police to not vacuously ignore systemic faults within real-world police forces i’m fucking shaking this is a violation of my constitutional right to drink swill without ever engaging a single brain cell 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

why do bootlickers always talk like this, it’s always “oh perchance you did not understand my query? does my educated vocabulary befuddle your inchoate vernacular? the underlying assumption is that cop dick is delectable; perchance you may have any evidence to challenge that assumption?”

Seriously. Some people have got to Go. Now.

“Do you want the police to be the bad guys in Spider-Man: Miles Morales? That you should get an achievement for beating up any and every random cop you meet?"

There are thousands of NYPD officers. They don’t all know each other and they certainly don’t all know each others’ families. A father in the police force does not stop you from being black in America. And, again, that’s an opportunity for commentary - imagine a scenario where Miles is in trouble but for being a cop’s

If I’m not mistaken, there were several “Peter Parker” playable sections of the first game. Those sections could certainly deal with playing as Miles Morales and having difficulty dealing with the police. Perhaps the game could even juxtapose Miles’ difficulty dealing with the police while visibly black to how they

OK, I haven’t played the first Spider-Man nor have I watched the cutscenes, but do the police actually KNOW that it’s Peter Parker under the mask in-game?

You mentioned you hadn’t played the game, so I’ll mention that this isn’t just a matter of Spidey having a good relationship with cops. In that game he essentially deputizes himself rather than act as a vigilante, and helps the police set up a morally ambiguous surveillance system without a second thought. It also

Saying “thats the point, its a super hero game” is not conducive to thoughtful analysis and dicussion, and serves only to scatter bomb the conversation rather than to engange in anything meaningful. All media and art is worthy of frank and in depth discussion. 

I read their comment as not that they wanted anything more done in this one case, just that this one case by itself won’t bring about meaningful change until executives like RJ are shown the door all over.

But now you can do both!