but he had a particular genius for aligning the prerogatives of quirky chuckers and hare-brained young cocks
but he had a particular genius for aligning the prerogatives of quirky chuckers and hare-brained young cocks
Triple murder must be redeemed in one transaction, limit one per customer. No cash value. Valid at participating locations only.
this is good Kinja
writers try to connect sports to life all the time and make things bigger than they are.. but by God I'll give every single one a pass that says that was the worst fucking thing ever
if you're running for POTUS in '16 you have my vote
might have to call a press conference on this one, your brand is taking a hit
I'm just commenting here so I don't get; find?
what the hell. a very tender +1
I didn't think that guy was jacking off until you mentioned it. I think that guy is jacking off.
missed the part where I asked for a lawsuit? all I said was that's disrespectful. friends or not, they're on national TV, shit gets taken out of context all the time. that's why we're here dropping hot takes.
Sorry for having nothing funny to say here (what else is new?)
putting in my request for "Some guys like old balls" on a ten minute loop
wait, did I completely miss you hopping over to Deadspin?
Died at N
It's Santa's fault when there are no gifts under the tree