
It's always nice to hear that something I liked when I was in middle school wasn't total shit. I remember seeing this when I was twelve or thirteen and loving it but I figured it was crap like everything I liked back then. I need to watch this again if its actually good.

Are you me? Please send the petition for more westerns and movies about knights my way. We need more fighting on horses damnit!

Yeah asking someone if they want to dry hump is bizzare. It seems like that should just happen fairly naturally.

That's a tragic story. There are few things worse than getting excited about a steak and then having it be over cooked.

My dad read the hobbit and LOTR to my half brother when he was five and he loved it and talked about them constantly. You might be able to read them to your kids earlier than you'd think. The Hobbit in particular is very kid friendly.

This. Not Fade Away is probably my favorite finale of any show for all of these reasons. It's such a perfect encapsulation of what the shows about while being an awesome fun to watch episode of t.v. It's probably my most re watched episode of angel.

Thank you whoever made this. I needed something happy right now.

My brother and I did this. We called it sword fighting and did it in a normal toilet at home.

I started coming here regularly when I started reading Noel's Buffy reviews. Losing him would definitely be tragic.

I'm picturing him sitting in a completely abandoned office typing furiously for months until finally with no one to oil his joints he succumbs to rust typing slower until he creaks to a halt and unable to generate enough snark to charge his batteries he finally powers down for the last time.

I looked up the guys name and he's not Sam but he looks vaguely familiar and in one of the pictures he's dressed in furs so he ha probably showed up on Game of Thrones at some point.

I keep getting the same two notifications as well. As for disqs' drug of choice I'm gonna go with dxm. The random errors and general unresponsiveness seem pretty robotrippy.

I enjoyed this but cannot in good conciense like a post by Jar Jar Binks.

I feel like he gave pretty much the exact opposite advice in an earlier column but I'm not sure. I think I remember him basically telling a parent they can't stop their kid from having sex and should let them do it somewhere safe. That could have just been a comment though.

It's possible to be glad someone won't hurt anyone else without celebrating the fact that they're dead. Obviously I'd be more upset at the death of someone innocent but that doesn't mean I'm happy when "bad" people die. I accept that sometimes this has to happen and I think the right thing was done in this situation

I get the impression that most people here are saying they shouldn't have killed the guy, just that people cheering that someone is dead seems a little inappropriate. I know that's how I feel about it at least. (And y'all is a very useful the use of which I support fully.)

Exactly. I felt the same way when they got Bin Laden and everyone was cheering about that. Obviously it's a good thing when someone dangerous is stopped but celebrating a human beings death just feels wrong to me.

Wow I can't even imagine what a relief that must be for you. I hope you're doing alright and the rest of your treatment is successful.

I started watching Spaced last weekend and I'm really liking it. It definitely gets better after the first couple episodes.

I'm a fan as well. It's much better done than the other reposted gimmicks and like you said the picture is hilarious.