Jeff Gruber

Update: Regarding whether the third raid will be included in the Expansion Pass, Destiny publisher Activision says: “We’ll announce more details about future Raids at a later date. Right now we’re focusing on House of Wolves.”

I stayed away from this title because of the performance issues. Sounds like a lot of them are fixed Probably pick it up now.

I would rather see FF6 remade.

Still made me hungry!

Cover it in memory foam!

I know I'm in the minority here but I thought Moon was tired and so boooooring. Not trolling, just my opinion.

I noticed that. Was lmfao! Happened to me last week.

Perfect for The Lord of the Rings fan that just had hemorrhoid surgery!

Development? The only thing I see is someone reverse engineering the XBone and then seeing countless knockoffs on EBay.

Posted this a few days ago on FB.

Speak for yourself. Having a ball with the game. Haven't had a single issue with it at all. Have a couple of friends that have had issues here and there but nothing to cry over.

Speaking of delayed. Me and my boys have a bet that they delayed the online heists until the release of the next gen versions.

Agreed! I have a 10 year old, two 8 year olds and one 4 year old pro playing. That's all they want to play.

I think its because the refuse too cut their hair for the head piece. Head always looks way too big. Like the have a helmet on.

I've done give up on this. I shelved the game until the heists come out.


Didnt have a problem with the way the game looked, I thought it was just bloody boring. Did the first mission and haven't touched it since.

Don't see a big deal here. Standard business practices. Start high and see what they can get away with. Once it goes live, Sony will bring down the prices once they realize that no one is using the service due to high and ridiculous prices.