You’re... welcome?
You’re... welcome?
Brookland’s screen. “Screen”: shortened from “windscreen,” so yes.
Racecars Are Cooler Without A Windshield
Must... not... feed... this... troll... attempt.
I’m not taking sides on this but there is no such thing as being “proven innocent” in the criminal justice system. The government must prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, anything less than that and you are innocent in the eyes of the law. The case was dismissed, meaning that the government never even…
yeah, no. Innocent until PROVEN GUILTY. The proof lies with the accuser. Everyone is 100% innocent until the state proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty. Kind of a big deal. You know, what our entire legal system is built on.
That is a pretty frightening thought process.
...right, but isn’t his side of the story important? If he’s telling the truth it’s not hard to see how an accusation like that could be mentally taxing for him.
Yes, surely whether or not you root for a man on a sports team is more important than that man’s life. Get some perspective, this is not about YOU! The people this really effect are Patricia and the woman outlined in the report...not you. You only matter in this equation as a way for news sites and blogs (like…
actually, it is totally about him.
If...focus on the IF is not true-then it absolutely is about hurting him. If it IS true-then it’s a different story.
You’re right, in some places. I’ve done a bit more digging. States seem to fall into two categories. Some say you must stop if you can do so safely.
There’s a whole lot more energy to absorb in scenario 2 than there is in scenario 1.
Some of these DO actually have a grain of truth in them:
Oh, yeah, that’s how physics works.
Actually, most cars will do this. The sister’s advice wasn’t terrible, but apparently her driving was.
If you see you’re about to be rear-ended, get off the brake and put the car in neutral. With less resistance to the impact you’ll be less injured inside the car.
I’ve had a no power steering car and a power steered one and both correct themselves, not for every corner but most of them
I’ve heard many of these, but I still think some are true.. can someone explain why they arent?
Brake N Coast (Enginerrrrrrrrr)
-I too have been taught this- that if you hold the brake down going down large grades you’ll boil the brake fluid, and instead its better to to do fewer more drastic brakes. I mean I guess…
Um that tire thing is actually factually accurate but causes a more unsafe behavior (aka rolling when you shouldn’t for example in a parallel parking situation).