
If his family loves him, then why did they let a man who “makes mistake in his words just talking to him in a conversation” have a public position doing just that, knowing he could embarrass himself, them and anyone within earshot?

No! White supremacy is not a mental disorder. If you use that metric, you remove accountability. They must always be held accountable.

“They have no pride in themselves, and are seeking someone to blame for their lives.”

They (we) are largely a generation who sat around watching simple action movies (rife with intolerance of cartoon stereotypes of various minorities) wherein the sometimes Arnold, mostly hapless-nerd hero acted shitty, did nothing of value, and ended up getting the girl and the gold and whatever.

President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

This is some Westworld shit

I remember as a child thinking that the people who got in to positions of power had been vetted, earned their place and would tend to use their power in a fair and impartial manner.

Twitter was a mistake. 

He’s white and centrist and half Biden’s age.

Right?! Funny how that works. Where are those fucking 3 percenteer assclowns now? Their entire creed is literally owning guns and resisting government invasion of cities and shit.

The GOP’s desire for small government has never extended to the policing of non-white people. In those cases they’ve always been pro big government.

Hey, those Jack-Booted thugs the NRA keeps talking about are actually real! I know those militia will jump right up to protect people because that’s the real reason we have a 2nd Amendment, right? Unless... unless they are just full of shit and don’t actually mean a damn thing they say.

While on paper that is great because fuck private medical insurance companies, there are also a lot of people that work for those companies that would be out of a job.

It’s not referenced much, but you’re right, both guns and jewelry are pivotal to Batman’s origin. You see, a mugger tried to steal Bruce’s mother’s gun, and when she wouldn’t give it up quickly enough, he strangled her and then Mr Wayne with a string of pearls.

Someone on Twitter put it better than I could: White Voters Have The Power To Stop This Anytime They Want. We know they love this shit and it is funny as hell to watch them try and defend this asshole and his scumbag family. Every black American should tell all these crackers and anyone white you see to fuck off and

Heretofore, let every Confederate monument be tagged with this Harroit gem: “. . . the memorial to white people getting their asses kicked.”

The should celebrate it by reenacting Sherman’s march through the south.

The lawyers resigning was a good sign for the rule of law but ultimately the judge has the final say on sentencing. If they go light then people will up in arms about DoJ late night involvement, if they go appropriate or even a harsh penalty, Trump will eventually pardon or commute to time served and while that will

Better than throwing things out: use the google!

Why I love The Takeout. THIS, right here. Practical ideas.