You’re teaching some history that a lot of people just don’t know!
You’re teaching some history that a lot of people just don’t know!
Social Security was pie in the sky. Medicare. Civil Rights Act. The interstate system.
How Come None of Y’all Told Me That Joker Was So Damn Boring?
Wait. I thought it was the liberals and the black identity extremists that were keeping people from talking on campuses!
How dare she come to our predominantly white enclave and make us think about what is going on in the rest of the world!
...I don’t know what reaction she was expecting when she comes to a school that’s 75 percent white. I agree there is such a thing as white privilege but the way she was saying it was not OK to our student body.”
If a helicopter has a rear engine, is the engine behind the tail rotor?
They would have to, because the cost of maintaining the white patriarchy is expensive.
If AOC had paid “$100 less at the subsidized barber shop at the Capitol,” do you think we’d be getting a hatchet piece about how AOC stole $100 from all of us for a fancy haircut?
They really should have led with “Alex Swoyer is a woman, and she knows better than to say this, but...” I got to the end where it revealed it was a woman who knows what women’s haircuts cost making this attack anyway. Fucking moonies.
Somehow i must have missed that Van Dick only got 6 years. I think I was just so surprised he got convicted at all. With the 5 Amber Guyger will end up serving they will both get out about the same time, they could go on tour with Betty Shelby and maybe the police rec center they hold their white people party in will…
That’s just 16 individual bad apples. Still no reason to look at either the tree or the orchard.
There should be no world where a person can shoot another person in cold blood and be able to walk away from it without justice being served. Shield or no shield. And justice for killing a kid should be a hell of a lot more than 6 and 3/4 years in prison and second degree murder especially when the perp lied about…
Wow, you can always count on the Fraternal Order of the Police to object to any steps to hold police accountable.
Hi and welcome to episode #31,563 of Don’t Tweet
So the Black man in the Dragon Ball Z t-shirt with no criminal record was secretly El Chapo? And niggas from Louisiana drove 4 and a half hours for some weed???
You should check out the movie ‘Booksmart’. He’s fantastic and absolutely hilarious, and the rest of the cast follows suit. One of my favorites of the year.
If you can edit the oil, you should just edit it completely out and then you won't have to deal with it at all.