
If I’m remembering my Southern Baptist church visits (and that time a girl I had a crush on in 9th grade got me to read the Left Behind books) correctly, Trump is a way more credible version of the evangelical’s idea of an Antichrist, except that they assume the Antichrist is a secular liberal. Which doesn’t actually

I would trust Brent Spiner over that dude in the chair any day of the week. 

I have the same question. He’s as sharp a school-lunch orange, and literally his only skill is that he keeps the outrageous, criminal policies and statements coming too fast to finish them off. Yet somehow, they can’t stop tripping up over their own shoelaces.

It means that he advocates for people to eat healthier foods without acting to make those healthier foods more accessible to people who can’t afford to get into a Whole Foods and keep their stock value high.

It’s like something they’d build an episode around in that shitty Tim Allen show where he plays his own conservative Mary Sue who didn’t go down on a coke charge in the 80s.

Aw, that one guy in the grays who thinks we’re not running a starvation factory with secret police now to feed profits upward.

It seems like it’s anything that would have been a hacky stand-up joke, ca. 1997.

I saw a man with this shirt on Sunday, and genuinely didn’t know what the hell that was all about. But now, I have a very small thing to be delighted about for my state, and also to hope my mom continues to pretend not to notice.

They’re pushing awful hard for people who run a game that’s still the best shorthand for how economic success largely depends on factors out of your control and on the soul-grinding nature of living in a rent-based society where your every move costs money unless you’re instead slowly grinding away at everyone else.

I’d say never change with this deeply dumb stuff. But I hope you do.

It’s really something, that “chosen one” thing. I’d really like to see that explored in a little more depth at some point. Mostly because you know it’s a bunch of shithouse rat ravings that they’ve begged him to keep private, after he met with a bunch of evangelical and other right-wing faith leaders and they gave him

Hard to cash out big on a falling market unless there are a lot of people with a little bit of money lining up to dive off the cliff with it. They somehow still believe they’re getting the same information at the same time as the big movers just by watching Fox Business or CNBC or whatever, because we apparently

Yeah, I recall that being underway by 2000 or so. Though it was with a Republican Congress, Clinton was also on that deregulation train and then we found ourselves in a bubble. 

I do remember him claiming something about being able to get fast results.

Yeah, no, that’s bonkers, especially given his administration and party’s anti-worker and anti-union platform. It’s like voting to be punched in the groin and have your lunch money taken on Thursdays.

People notice when 90% of the benefit accrues to their boss and the increases barely cover inflation and definitely don’t make up for the reduction in funding toward vital services, too, chief.

I bet atomic breath is so fast you don’t even feel it. And then you never have to worry about Twitter again.

To be fair, it is big news that a Republican administration managed to screw the economic pooch so hard it’s gone from “massively extractive and unequal” to teetering on the edge of disaster in their first term. Even W. managed to hold on until year 7.

Man, this is such a pitiful attempt at deflecting, and imagined “sowing of discord.” Jesus Christ on a vintage pogo stick, it even brings up Clinton, from three years ago.