
I wasn't crying. I had something in my eye.

Who was that statue supposed to be though? I couldn't make it out.

Love the firefight sequences on this show.

This week on The 100: Raven plays Kerbal Space Program.

Well, you've got your good things and I've got mine.

The black stuff's great, but Zootopia won y'all! A film the entirety of which I have been obligated to commit to memory because I failed to use birth control a couple years ago. My little man will be over the moon!

"I didn't kill him because he was crazy. I killed him because he was making sense."

There are many more dead people than living people. In time being undead would be humanity's default state and one's natural lifespan would be a kind of extended adolescence.

That movie is criminally underrated.

Nothing beats tearjerking it to these photos while listening to Peter Gabriel's cover of 'Heroes.'

Actually it was "Neptune, the Mystic" with the jarring finale of "Mars, Bringer of War" spliced in. Not 100% sure but it sounds like Andre Previn's classic 1986 performance.

Gustav Holst!
Kosciuszko St!
Calle Atocha!

During the druggy diner scene Leon was talking backwards about the backwards episode of Seinfeld. Nice touch, and I totally called it at the time.

Pied Piper is basically Google Wave: brilliant technically but of little interest to actual humans.

I don't wanna watch this anymore! *Runs off into the forest*

My favorite part was Renard's voodoo doll angrily staring at Renard.

It was the same incident, based on the supposed Soviet response to the 1983 NATO Able Archer exercise.

Barry's conversation with the speed force reminded me of Ichigo's conversation with his sword.

Raven in the control room: "All I see is blonde, brunette, redhead…"

Splett is my favorite minor character. He's totally the Nurse Beth of this show.