
Fun episode but they totally ripped off the music from the Leftovers at about 26 minutes in. Nice try bitches.

It worked from a plot standpoint of course, but running high-end servers from a residence is like strapping a rocket engine to a Camry.

I didna say it was a rational reaction. It was more of a visceral response. Though I suppose she could have found magical forest creatures to relay it back.

Wife and I were like "Nooooooo!" when she chucked the milk away. That shit's liquid gold.

Jamie Horphump?

We have achieved maximum Renard fanservice level.

Tell me everything that's happened up to this point.

Meat people?

They fucking killed off the best character. RIP camper.

At… least… I'm… better… at… coughing messages… than you are!

What are you doing? You make everything harder for all women when you do that.

Hold on! This is the beginning of something. Not the end.


"Be careful of this Mr. Ryan. It burns your hand even through the corrugated sleeve."

No problem. I just finished replacing most of my cookware with cheap but sturdy restaurant stuff so this ep set me off!

You disappoint me Louie. Copper is heavy and a bitch to clean — bad fucking combo, especially in your small kitchen. Also, try to buy for-show-only 'professional' (read: rank amateur) cookware at expensive boutiques and you deserve what you get. The restaurant supply shops on the Bowery are the only way to go.

Meh, girls have said worse before falling for me.

Claire, I'm from the future-future and people don't believe in vaccines anymore cause they worked too well.

And she's with the Seattle office now… which is a hella change of scenery.

This show is so much smarter than it looks.