
I'm glad the writers picked up on the bizarre eroticism of Pleep Ploop.

Nerd Boyd is the best Boyd.

This was like a light-hearted take on the Six Feet Under finale.


Chekhov's security system.

Troy and Abed in the Mountain!

Let's face it, the writers straight up ran out of plot early this season and had the characters spinning their wheels. With any luck this episode's reboot means they got the memo.

Between this and Justified it's like bizarre fetish week on FX.

Fan service!

Science ain't an exact science with these clowns.

I approve of this message.

I like to sing Tipperary in an exaggerated old-timey voice. "The sweeetest gal I knowow…"

I don't want to live in a universe where Hannibal isn't prestige TV.

Silly article. Middlebrow shows have always made up the bulk of what we call good television. What's changed is we're in the middle of an unprecedented prestige boom that's amped up expectations to the point of fatigue, and now we're rediscovering the joys of simply fucking watching a show and not needing it to be the

Still haven't seen this, which is strange because when I first moved to New York I practically lived at Avery Fisher (soon to be Tampax Hall or something else equally terrible). Even got to see soft-spoken Kurt Masur conduct every Beethoven symphony over two glorious weeks. I guess I've been avoiding the show because

Also, McDowell mispronounced a word when he was singing ode to joy. He said Gottenfunken. It's Götterfunken. Yes, he messed up something from the 9th. Not the 9th!!!! Not the 9th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa…

Black Mirror's just some cold shit you do to a motherfucker instead of popping a cap in his ass.

I really like the continuity of a framing narrative. I'd love to see the format extended to a full season.

Lemme put it this way. I love pretentious eurotrash films and this one was too much even for me. It'll be forgotten in minutes. Notice how it's on literally no one's fave list in the comments. That's telling.