
As is being an asshole

Naw, people who complain about other people’s hobbies are the worst.

to be fair, though, up to that point they were always clones...

The clones were only used through the clone wars, quickly phased out once the Empire became established. By the time we get to A New Hope, the stormtroopers were actually trained recruits from Imperial citizens. Very few clones were left in action by the time the Rebellion was in full swing.

This is a great list. Save for Safety Not Guaranteed. I HATE that movie. I hate it so much that it’s made me not to want the otherwise wonderful Mark Duplass in anything ever again. It feels like something that could have easily been a short film but instead wastes an hour and change of your life. It also features

Eh, to be honest...he’s got a point that’s been WELL proven with the show under Gimple. While he was a dick about it...he made a good point. His season is the only truly good one. Darabont’s writer pedigree CV is years long...the people under him have been doing this a far shorter time and should have been listening

Wow, this is hands down the best drama to come out of the walking dead in years.


And it hits home as a critique of those of us that are in interracial relationships as well. That may not be the intent of the authors of these pieces, but it easily comes across as such. My SO and I are sick of people insinuating our relationship is either a fetish or a cultural malady.

As a Pakistani woman myself, I can give this movie a pass for that reason. But either way, I’m tired of seeing brown love interests in American media being passed up for white love interests, mostly because they are portrayed as one-sided caricatures. It’s the same problem I have with Mindy Kaling’s show.

Yeah...I sort of hate that this movie is being used as the laundry line that airs these issues. It’s an important point that deserves to be heard, but this is literally the third article I’ve read online about The Big Sick mainly discussing issues with white women/Asian men onscreen. It starts feeling like a

Thank you. I came here to say this. People keep asking for stories about real people that are inclusive. THIS IS A FUCKING REAL STORY THAT IS INCLUSIVE. SO REAL IN FACT THAT IT FUCKING HAPPENED. Unless white women now have to either date within their race or no one is allowed to tell true stories about interracial

This is wrong and you didn’t show your work. If you had shown your work you would get partial credit at least.

I wish they also had a TV lineup option, so you pick x amount of shows, and it would cycle through one episode each, so you could have a night of television without marathoning or bingeing.

“Netflix Finds It in Its Heart to Give the Sense8 Fans What They Want”

Look, I understand that waiting to grow up to see films made for older audiences is frustrating for kids and can consequently produce a headache for adults, but that is nothing new. It was true when I was coming up and my folks wouldn’t let me see everything I wanted to see right away. Calling for movies to be aged

> maybe it makes me a hypocrite for being ok with some violence and not ok with sexy scenes.

+1 darth

Spiked Space Punch will leave you sithfaced.