The Strain has a season 3 but not Agent Carter?! WTF?
The Strain has a season 3 but not Agent Carter?! WTF?
Why are you even reading this “waste of time article?” Why are you even on this site??????? Go on! Get on adulting, you’re drunk.
Magic Man!!!
An opposite of the current Marvel Comics. An older Miles Morales/Spider-Man from an alt universe.
I am rewatching the Wire for the 6th time right now. Just finished S1 Ep12 last week :(
I love how people are telling you that you are using the internet wrong. I totally agree with you.
This is AMAZING! And unique! Correct me if I’m wrong but, I don’t think anything cross mediums has done this before.
WHAT???!!! There’s a failed model who puts on a Princess Leia costume? Can you give me a name so I can image google and study her... her Leai costume authenticity carefully... in my bunk.
Is there a Padme one by the way?
Reverse Rosario Dawson
Congrats Rob! All the robots are blowing off their tops!
Good luck with everything CJA! You and io9 have definitely challenged my way of thinking and I am better for it.
NO! I want him back as Goblin Ghost Dad in the new Spider-Man!
Then there’s also the technical issues. I’ve been to screenings with the movie being off center. Sound issues are common. Either the front speaker is out or the sound is dull and low. There were a few times that the movie would not start. We were offered the next viewing. Which a few people dropped out because they…
I agree, the Coolidge Corner theater is a temple.
Let’s encourage kicking seats and resting feet on people’s heads too.
I think if we could get a good script it would be great to have a standalone Superman movie. I think that would be fun to do. Part of the reason we haven’t announced the standalone Superman movie was to support some of the events of [Batman v Superman].
I’ll watch it just for Woo-Ping. I forget if Netflix has a language option? I watched the Ip Man movies available on Netflix over the weekend and was pleasantly surprised that they are in Cantonese.