Groffle the Awful Waffle

Don't be sorry. You are absolutely, 100% correct. It's all about context. It really saddens me that people can't see that.

Women like them.

I smoked pot with Johnny Hopkins.

Thanks for the spoiler! Actually I'm kind of glad - I don't need to see that shit.

I shouted "Kiss! Kiss!" at the screen.

One of the actors turned out to be a serial rapist so, nah.

Me too! I was so traumatised by it that I hate all chimps now.

I never said it wasn't xenophobia. It was outright racism. My point was that racial tension between White Australians and certain minorities is heightened by issues of class, particularly in parts of Western Sydney. I never encountered racism like the racism I encountered from people living in Western Sydney (I'm from

I love that when he goes on to say that his mum has passed, she's not at all contrite or uncomfortable. That's badass.

To be fair, calling her by the wrong name wasn't a good start.

That's what I heard too.

Look, I'm probably a little sensitive about this because I'm deeply ashamed about the state of some things in Australia at the moment, but to be called worse than America…I just can't. And to be called a nanny state is confounding to me. Americans are so obsessed with unfettered capitalism! The levels of inequality

Yeah, you got me with those ones. *Hangs head in shame, narrowly avoiding errant boomerang*

Agree. Not cool.

Bogan isn't synonymous with redneck at all. "White trash" is more apt.

Yes, "except health insurance." Oh, and also: wages, income inequality, incarceration rates, crime rates, police brutality, and general standard of living. But that's it.

Australians don't drink Fosters, at all. Because it's terrible. It's a trick we've played on the rest of the world. See also: Outback Steakhouse.

Do not say Ukraine is weak! I come from Ukraine! *Smashes board*

Yep, you nailed it.

In 2000, there was a very notorious case where a group of Lebanese youths gang-raped a number of white Australian girls in Sydney. They were convicted and given very long sentences (the ringleader got 70 years if I recall correctly). The rapes were said to be racially motivated. This (righty or wrongly) caused a huge