Look for red hats with eyes...
Look for red hats with eyes...
Just give me a llama mount and be done with it!
I had all but forgotten about GoT not comming out this year, and then you go ahead and do this to everyone... Better be worth the wait!
Whatever you do, do NOT tell him about the invisicap...!
The insane fact is, she’s done both the makeup AND the costume herself...!
Totally agree, it’s absurd! I have contacted Bergsala (the distributor) about the price, I recommend you do the same. I have not recieved a response yet.
The retail price in Sweden for this unit is $180 and up! I wish I was kidding. Here, the Nintendo distributor is the scalper, it’s insane!
Fun Facts: Here in Sweden, we get to pay $180 AND UP retail for this piece of crap! I wish I was kidding... I returned mine.
Have fun! :)
Hell yes! I’m not as pumped like I was for HoT but the story is really great, the mount-skills will be available all over Tyria and I can’t wait to explore everything in a different way again, like when we got gliding. :)
Level 80 is max level and will be that forever. The game scales your level depending on the zone you are in so you never “gray out” any mobs and can always fight and get loot/XP/karma/gold wherever you play. The levels up to 80 is really only to enter tougher zones where you need to be better at playing and have…
In your Hero-panel (H), you can see all the weapon skills your class can use and their effect. Couldn’t be simpler to find you prefered combo there.
This. We have a great community! :)
Hmm... I have everything maxed, even some mods making the shadows and lightning look even better, and it’s smooth sailings. Only really get performance dips during world boss fights if the map is full.
Max level can be achieved in a week if you want. It’s the masteries, crafting of ascended/legendary gear and collecting stuff that takes time. Been playing casually since start, I have 10 lvl 80 chars and still got a buttload of stuff left to do.
Acctually no, he’s from Ekerö, outside Stockholm. His inspiration are from his childhood memories of the place. Most of Swedens rural areas look like this.