it takes all of two minutes for your eyes to re-adjust to 30 fps. is it jarring when i go from playing The Division at 60 fps on my pc, to a sub 30 fps MHW on my ps4? of course, but it takes less time for eyes to adjust than you think
it takes all of two minutes for your eyes to re-adjust to 30 fps. is it jarring when i go from playing The Division at 60 fps on my pc, to a sub 30 fps MHW on my ps4? of course, but it takes less time for eyes to adjust than you think
need to go flawless two more times to complete the ornamented trials of osiris armor set on my hunter. it’s now or never! *que epic montage
yeah well your mom is a whore
will the dlc be still available for purchase?
20 year olds with an opinion are the fucking worst. don’t tell me you’re in your 20's. wow, you’ve paid taxes in new york, for what, a year now? color me impressed. you got your big girl pants on, that’s gonna make your shitty review a whole lot more tolerable now that i know you THINK you’re an adult
now that’s a fucking article
When playing on PS4, will the audiologs be playable through the DS4 controller speaker? This may be a small feature but it will determine if I buy this or not
what are responsibilities. ya cunt
thanks for the spoiler warning. am playing DS2 atm and it would have been nice to discover you return to anor londo in DS3 by myself
will the audiologs be playable through the ds4 speaker? this would justify a purchase as my comfy level would be MAXED OUT
more of this in the gaming community, please. games; srs bizniz
why do you straight up spoil it in the opening text visible on the front page? oh the thing is an IED. cool, thanks