
I must not be working hard enough because the 30 seconds rule seems a bit long to consider once workspace organized. I think it would be more of an accomplishment if we extended this rule to an entire house.

This probably starts with parents aiming to raise "industry standard" children. Using internet and other parents' advice to raise their kids, making sure they don't behave differently than their peers. Not realizing they just might have personalities of their own, and being different is not a medical condition.

That's very close to my belief of... "do things that make you happy tomorrow". In essence, strive for creating long term satisfaction rather than immediate.

Thanks for the tip! Next time my wife goes shopping I'm sending her in with sunglasses, product trail map, boxing gloves and iPod filled with slow jams.

On a recent commute in a slow-moving traffic, I find gratitude is hard to muster. I think fondly of my wife's charming sense of humor, our fun outings, her support during tough times. As I drive, slowly, towards home, I feel filled with rage... that it will take another 2 hours before I see her.

That's brilliant! You could also keep a "list of grievances" against yourself to realize areas of improvement.

The best thing to do is to train yourself to always sleep for 5 cycles(7.5h), regardless if you go to bed early. It doesn't help to wake up at 7am when you go to bed at 10pm. You've already wasted an hour of your day. The standard alarm is not efficiently set up for this, which is why I created this one... http://groa

One could conclude that "Jack of all trades" is more likely to be an extrovert while the specialist tends to be an introvert.

Seriously... why don't we just set a simple alarm to 5 sleep cycles every night, get up, and instead of analyzing our sleep patterns or journaling our dreams actually do something that adds value to our day.

There are some perspectives you just can't change, like whether a certain "item" is white and gold or black and blue.

The biggest issue I see with separate finances is making common-use purchases. For example, if you're buying something for the house with your money, why should you compromise on the look of it if your partner has a different taste. Buying a computer together, a car, or worse, a house. You're just adding additional

Best way to get yourself ready for a change is to do some travelling beforehand. Travelling will break you out of your daily patterns and put you in a change ready mindset.

Its possible that your current surroundings don't inspire you. Try travelling. Your brain will have no choice but to restart, once you find yourself out of your daily patterns.

It helps to know that it takes 66 days for an average person to form a habit. Make that you finish line to fuel your motivation.

I found the best way to teach my kids about finance is to implement a family currency using monopoly money. For example, they get paid for doing various tasks around the house, getting top scores on Lumosity or just being innovative. This allows them to make purchases from each other, buy minutes on Wii or even

Keep the small talk in the context of the situation otherwise you'll just come off as "that weirdo who talks to strangers"

Small talk with a stranger each day for 66 days to develop Sociability + Persistence, Courage & Patience.

What's the point of asking the past you if the present you already knows everything the past you knows.

I think this is the foremost reason why you should create a list of obstacles when making goals...