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    anybody up to providing a list of the movies for these clips?

    Does it only go straight down or are there some twists and turns at some point, i.e., is it as boring as it looks.

    sounds like 14 years ago might have been anxiety, this is depression - talk to a professional - if your can't afford it look at social services, they have good people

    tell those people to go fuck themselves

    A good therapist makes you work. They don't just listen. My shrink has me examine a situation, for example at, work, where I screwed up; why I did what I did, how I might handle it better next time so don't hate myself so much. Sometimes I do deal with a situation better and then I have hope.

    Mr. Ravenscraft's response to your question contains one way to treat depression. I am a person with depression who has found a combination of talk therapy and medication to make a profound difference in my symptoms, but I also have to work hard to examine my interactions with the world based on experiences I've has

    I just read somewhere and I can't remember where, that none of the "opt out" type controls meant anything like what they sounded like, and that even when you think you're opting out, you're still giving away a lot more information than you know you are.

    they use women who are past child-bearing age