
NO! It's more expensive and will increase in cost as demand goes up. To produce aluminum is very dirty and harmful to the environment, even more so than steel. The worlds largest smelting facilities are in the middle east, dare I go on about that conundrum? Simply trading one material for another in the very same

Either way it answers the age old question as to why the chicken(duck, pheasant,,,,) crossed the road? To get the FUCK OUT OF THE WAY!

I'm not sure I agree with you but you guys are really missing the main point. In the days of the original F1, McLaren was a race team, and a race team only.

So I have actually spent some time selling a light duty pickup truck in the past: Yes it was the fabled Honda Ridgeline.

Yeah I take pride in my MS Paint art work but I was running out of patients and talent so I left many out. Thanks though.

Interesting article but here is my answer:


Wow, where do I begin? Some of you may recall that I commented on the earlier post about this very project,…so thanks to Truck Yeah we have the follow up and my take on this whole cluster fuck!

I don't hate it but in the looks department, I don't love it. The R8 has always been a good to great looking car and this one is doing the now standard Audi thing of harder and more angular lines. Maybe they should have gone even farther down that road?

I still hope to someday show you the plan we talked about last year, or so, on Twitter. If you're still interested I will make the time and perhaps our mutual friends can help with the introduction and meeting.

You are correct sir. It is no longer your tax dollars that support the USPS, it's simply your day to day business and the all those stamps you buy.

Seriously, WTF F!?

I'm not a Musk hater like some but I do think at times he's full of shit. I read a very interesting article last week that may explain why he seems to love his batteries. After reading it I hope many of you start to see Musk more as an entrepreneur and less an auto executive.

I apologize for being a dick but that guy just chaps my ass. I understand and even agree with you that what Lotus needed was a dynamic sales person who could 'will' investors into action. The problem with Bahar was that the deals he struck served him first, the investor second and then Lotus.

I have a question Smalley: I understand why you say not everyone should get a $50 raise, some should get more some should get less. I think this is what you are saying, it seems to be the mantra of anti union people. So my question is this: with 766 000 employees, how exactly do you determine who does and does not get

Wow! Evan McM. you do not have one fucking clue about anything you just said. I'm sorry but I'm going to be a complete dick here and let you know why this is the stupidest thing said on Jalopnik today, or maybe ever.

I love Jalopnik and the Jalops but somethimes,,,,,

On a side note, did you give up your old Twitter handle?

Good article. It does however pose a question that today is irrelevant. Irrelevant in the fact that today's composite panels and or parts, natural fiber or otherwise, are not Duroplatst.

The 2 front doors, under the skins? Are you sure?