Green Mountain Bear

I think the message of this iteration of Doctor Who is never trust anyone named Tim Shaw.

I like Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor. And the three companions (Companions?) are engaging. The script for tonight...not so much. And so, so many commercials on BBC America. I do wish this was available on Britbox. Perhaps it is time to look at VPNs for Doctor Who, Coronation Street, and other shows I watch.

I’m waiting for the colder autumn weather. Pot roast weather.

61 years old. I saw Mary Poppins with my sister in 1964. This trailer made my eyes water. I was 7 again.

Now out of stock and waitlisted.

No. it is Sweet and Sour. But because I believe the truth, I’m grayed out. 

Life is short. But the years are long.

And what happens when Obergefell is overturned?

What I want, what I need are smart glasses like this that will show me subtitles at the theatre. Or listen to what people are saying and display it as captions in the lens. There’s a whole market of deaf and hearing impaired like me out there.

...with powers that will make martial law seem like anarchy...

It isn’t yet active. Here’s a link to the PDF.

That should be Arizona State University.

Eh, don’t worry. Samsung will get it right and get sued.

It was MICKEY Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

And if you want to read the story from the perspective of the creature, Peter Watts did an amazing short story, The Things.

Pumpkin spice?

It’s almost the same with Boxers. There was a line in northern California in the 1990s that was known for heart problems, cancer, etc.

Watching a video game isn’t like playing a video game. This will be 2018's Speed Racer.