Green Mountain Bear

But don’t they have a lot of contingent worked (contract, part-time, etc.) who don’t even qualify?

Bless the Maker and all His Water. Bless the coming and going of Him, May His passing cleanse the world. May He keep the world for his people.

I worked for a medical device manufacturer and was involved in FDA and Health Canada audits. I was the head of documentation — the stuff the end user and customer sees to use the device. You need to have clear work instructions, SOPs and other documentation for EVERYTHING. I mean, if you are going to take screenshots,

Well, you self-verify and validate most of the time. You have to keep meticulous and accurate records of the testing process, including failures, anomalies, etc. An independent auditor should be able to take your results and replicate them. If you say your device is 99% accurate and bad results start cropping up, your

Frank Marshall doesn’t own Indiana Jones. Disney owns the character and Paramount owns the distribution rights to the films. If they want to make a new film with another actor, they can. And Frank Marshall can’t do much about it.

Nobody wants to see some fluff piece on a narcissistic billionaire asshole.

Not yet available in the “Microsoft Company Store” for alumni and such. They’re still reducing inventory of Surface 3 and Surface 3 Pros.

Dammit, HULU! Make a deal with WGN for season 2!! And ungray me while you’re at it, please!

A company I worked for decided to create its own software for tracking and managing customer publications. They went ‘live’ without proper testing because “we spent too damn much on it to wait any longer.”

The Zero Stone was my gateway book into SF. I was 10 or 11 when I picked it from a rack of books to be reshelved at the library. I don’t remember if it was an adult book or juvenile, but I had to get my parents’ permission to check it out back in 1968 0r so.

I hoping HULU picks up season 2. As of today, they haven’t said they locked it in.

Perhaps they cast the wrong Hook.

I work in Waterbury Vermont where Keurig’s office are located. Even their folks aren’t expecting this to do well. If it was $200 cheaper, yes, maybe. But for almost $400? Nope. They just had one series of right-sizing/staff readjustment/resource redeployments/layoffs. I imagine more to come.

Just BBC programs or will it include ITV?

The last stone I had got ‘stuck’ just south of the kidney. The urologist had to go up there with a catheter thing to crush and remove the debris. Then I had a stent from the kidney hanging out of me for about two weeks. UGH.

Looked more like a cheap knock off of Triumph of the Will.

Terrible finale. Just terrible.

There is no US Interstate-94 in Vermont

I remember Windows 1.0. I’m old.