Green Mountain Bear

Sokath, his eyes uncovered!

She's got magic to do, just for you!

Please don't let this suck....please don't let this suck....please don't let this suck....

My God—it's full of stars!

Well, I didn't want to give it away!

Wrong color.

Rush That Speaks from John Crowley's Engine Summer. He wanted to become a saint. What he wanted and what he became are different things. The last page is so unexpected, you can't help but wince a bit.


So you're saying he has a bug up his ass?

We have these along side US 89 Northbound between South Burlington and Burlington VT. "Reverence"

That's one of the reason's I don't fly anymore. I'd rather drive if it isn't too distant. I hate to sound like an old person, but in the 1960s/1970s, flying was comfortable, it was pleasant, and it didn't require rolling your eyes and putting up with hours of hell. Sigh...I'm old.

F, not C. Sorry. It was too cold to include them.

This morning it was -12 with a wind chill of -36. I'm over it.

The Doctor of Dibley, seated with companion?