
See, 6 months is too damn far into the pregnancy for an abortion (in my opinion). Only in extreme situations should that be considered. I know that sometimes medical necessity would dictate that a doctor perform an abortion that far into a pregnancy. The sad part is...she probably wanted one from the jump but lived in

I think the idea is that, if she’d had easier access earlier on, she wouldn’t have resorted to such desperate measures.

I’m sure she tried to get an abortion earlier on & because the rules were so restrictive she couldn’t have. People logically wouldn’t put their lives in dangers & at a later stage if the abortion care was more accessbile. Poor woman, living in a place with backwards-ass politicians. :/

And it’ll be spun to say that she’s a cold-blooded murderer and it was absolutely no one else’s fault.

This is what happens when states are allowed to legislate every step of a completely legal procedure. Abortion is legal? Okay! Let’s shut down every clinic that provides safe abortions, and those who aren’t shut down let’s stand outside and threaten the workers and the patients, and even sometimes kill those workers

This woman, for whatever reason, thought that her best option was to stick a coat hanger into her vagina and hope it caused a miscarriage. This is why we need good sex ed in high schools. This is why we need to fund Planned Parenthood. This is why abortions should be state supported.