
So she’s, what - a Steve Harvey advisee now?

if youre going to claim that name, move to fucking northeastern Canada

Why the hell do these fucks keep using Nordic heritage for their stupid ass racist causes? I get the Nazi following. Dont support it, but i get the link. But Scandinavian? Read a fucking book. Northmen traded with Native Americans, were mercenaries in Constantinople and the Sicilians, and even fought alongside the

I generally only take out my tinfoil hat for reading about Game of Thrones on the internet, but I like your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

#PowderedWigs #SilkShoes #Cake #PoorsAreJustJealous

“If you’re south of Canada, you’re in the south.”

Definitely. I think the sign that resonated most was “Flint needs clean water.” That person was saying it’s more important to look at the bigger picture of inequality than trying to prove a who’s-less-racist point

You hit the nail on the head. Racism in Boston and New York is different to racism in charlottesville. It’s curiously white neighbourhoods and schools contrasted with neighbourhoods of colour that somehow have a much lower median income, and schools that are objectively worse. Eric Garner didn’t get murdered in

This post would’ve been 50% better if you’d instead arranged those words as “Very growth. Much brave.”

It makes sense. Male violence and hate is also tied to their dicks and feelings of inadequacy about said dicks and also wanting to get laid. It’s no coincidence Al-Qaida and IS tell suicide bombers they’ll get to bang at least 75 virgins in heaven after they blow themselves up for the cause. Not just any women -

Girl at the bar

“I don’t see how we can ever repair this country. We are past the point of no return.”

“I don’t see how we can ever repair this country.”

Yes. I mean we knew all along. Tons of white people will pretend this is a small percentage of them but it REALLY says something that these people aren’t even hiding their identities. They know they won’t be shunned by their friends or neighbors or face repercussions at work. Even in the 1950s they wore hoods. These

Hear and SEE. I mean, there are still monuments and confederate flags on state grounds but this dumbass thinks blacks are the ones dredging up the past. GTFO

Frickin’ idiot is lucky he didn’t kneecap himself with a ricochet off shooting those truck tires. Even by Florida standards that was World-Class Stupid.

Ah yes. He’s mad that trucks are parked in front of his property. The logical action is to render them immobile.

You wish. They are going to have to kill a fuckload more white women before that day comes.

Yup. When you escalate and militarize the police to the point where they have nearly unlimited power over life and death, occasionally the violence will spill over from the communities of color you use them as guard dogs against and hit one of your own. Tragic but unsurprising.

Black cop shoots white woman?