I always assumed Steve Bannon‘s origin story involved a bottle of Dewars and a tube of hemorrhoid cream exposed to Gamma radiation.
I always assumed Steve Bannon‘s origin story involved a bottle of Dewars and a tube of hemorrhoid cream exposed to Gamma radiation.
Really this is the only thing he is good at. He’s built a career on it. Throughout the 80s and 90s he played the NYC media market like a fiddle. This is Trump 101 on the grandest scale.
The president’s asinine tweets are the perfect cover as they are both sensational and largely inconsequential.
Can we maybe stop talking about his tweets? There are things that the Republicans are doing everyday that threaten the American way of life. The president’s asinine tweets are the perfect cover as they are both sensational and largely inconsequential. Let’s give it a rest. Please? Our way of life, based on some of our…
I’ve seen that episode and I didn’t notice Quagmire is left-handed.
How did this man not possess the forearm strength to lift himself out of this predictament.
I don’t think Van’s comments are that controversial or that he’s a sell-out for arguing that Trump was successfully able to normalize himself and his agenda. That Trump became presidential in a forum (and with a speech delivered to lowered expectations) designed to make him presidential was about right.
I feel like I’d be rather interested in your thoughts on craft beer.
Fake reporter/plant/gay escort James Guckert is offended that you would compare him to this coterie of mouthbreathing pondscum.
When W. is the voice of reason, things are quite fucked up.
Correct. If you’re not a black woman, of course you could care less for Lemonade.
This may be my one and only chance to use this gif
skim heads
Ya, lactose tolerance just means at least some of your ancestors herded cows and sheep and shit. Just imagine how impoverished your life must be that a tummy enzyme that lets you drink something for baby mammals is, in your mind, something you have going for you.
Proud whole milk guzzling Jew here.
The signs were always there. We just refused to see it.
Meh. I’m just keeping Wilson Phillips on repeat until either a Democrat is President or we all die in a hail of nuclear fire.