
In my experience with this site, when you say “troll” you mean anyone who has a opinion on this that is different from your own. Even if they are being civil, respectful and calm. People lie from time to time, for various reasons. Men can lie, women can lie, Christians can lie and Muslims can lie too. There are many

Thank you. I also didn’t appreciate the Hillary supporters trying to speak for my own vagina and my own skin color and my own immigration status and my own job opportunities and all the rest. It was ironic how their campaign was every bit as presumptuous about putting a microphone up my vagina as the Trump campaign

So this is how it plays out huh? The same people who posted hateful garbage about him in the primaries fall back on that same idiocy now, despite him campaigning frequently and unequivocally for Clinton?

The most important lesson should be you can’t write off and ignore around 50% of the country and expect to win. Like it or not, you have to deal with these people.

We have to own our mistakes before we can better ourselves.

No fuck you. No one is owed a vote. And no one should be blamed, ridiculed, insulted or belittled for voting for what they believe.

So we are assuming because there is no evidence to base this on that those 31,000 people or at least enough of those people would’ve swung the balance in WI? What if those 31,000 stayed home, wrote in Al Gore, voted Good ol’ Gary, voted Trump? I understand you need to vent and with emotion usually is a lack of logic

Yeah. These past few elections have taught me that white liberals don’t care about racism unless it keeps them from getting what they want. If they can use it to their advantage, though? They’re totally cool with it and will just sweep it under the carpet and duck questions about it.

You’re still assuming that any or all of those third party votes would have gone to Clinton if the other options were not available. And that is in no way a safe assumption. And you also ignore the western states that Hillary won BECAUSE of Johnson that would have otherwise gone to Trump.

31,000 votes that could have easily gone to Trump, you in your simple logic are assuming that all 31,000 would have gone to Hillary, not the case.

I’m really sick of that third party privilege vote line that white liberals love to throw around. It amounts to erasure of disenfranchised voters who are less than enthusiastic about Clinton’s polite dog whistle racism. I am a BLACK FEMALE IMMIGRANT and I did not support Hillary because of how she suppressed wages in

This is the same bullshit numbers that tanked Nader, when it was later proven that it was white Dems swinging to Bush that narrowed the gap between Bush and Gore.

Why do you think libertarians or socialists would have voted for Clinton if those two weren’t on the ballot?

I voted Jill, only becasue I live in NY and it wasn’t in play. Third party needs minimum votes to keep them on ticket so it sometimes makes sense to vote that way. It adds a voice to those they call radicals and tar and feather

I voted for Gary Johnson in PA and sleep like a baby last night knowing while he wouldnt win i wouldnt be voting for a bigot or a criminal. You are the problem accepting your parties candidate despite proof of the primaries being rigged. For buying into the thought that you must vote against instead of vote for whats

why are you assuming clinton was owed those votes

Take Jill Stein out of the equation, Hillary takes Michigan and Wisconsin but still loses. This is on:

“Nope, most polls showed...”

THIS. Trump was going to win. Look at his margin. I don’t support Trump, but don’t blame Independents for your loss. As much as I would like to say that we are, this country was not ready for an African-American president, and we aren’t ready for a female president, either. We have too many basic, underlying issues

I’m a bit baffled that the common refrain from Hillary supporters is that the third parties cost her the election. There’s simply no evidence to support the idea that if Johnson/Stein/Etc. hadn’t been on those tickets, those votes would automatically go to Clinton. In fact, it seems like they’d be just as likely to