
A friend of mine who is anti-vaxx, anti-gmo, and lives by horoscopes, just told me she believes HRC is a reptile.. She’s a sweetheart and I love her, but man...

But shuttle fuel doesn’t melt steel beams!!!!!! /s

I went to one in college for a free consultation, and mind you, I have never ever seen a chiro before that time. He had me get undressed in a paper gown, and I swear to you he ogled at my breasts while attempting to “feel” around my breast plate. Worst fucking place ever. I don’t know how legit that guy was to this

Yes!!!!! All the stars for this! One of my favorite movies!

Or the fictional businesswoman Kim K plays on E. Lol dammit I just had to say it.

Will do!

It happens here a lot. Like, if you don’t like Kim K, it’s considered anti-feminist, but at the same time, I don’t think her owning her sexuality should be the only reason to put her on a pedestal. But honestly with Minaj, I just don’t like her lyrics and I was feeling pretty on edge last night lol.

Nope - never been a fan of Nicki. And if that somehow makes me anti-feminist, so be it. I think she’s horrible. And before anyone gets touchy, I am a black woman. The end.

I wish she was as good of a writer as Ms. Hill...

I live in Jax FL and I’m TERRIFIED to go vote.

Wish there were more artists out today like Lauren in the 90s :(

This shirt is from a Goodwill in Seattle that my friend found! I need this in my life.

Thank you!

Taking better precautions = victim blaming. Feminism 2016.

A guy posted that he wished she was sexually assaulted. Seriously, fuck this world.

I wish I didn’t see the tmz comments. I understand some of the hate KK gets, but Jesus Christ - people are saying they wish she was serially assaulted or killed. FFS how could anyone wish this on anybody?! Wtf....

This happened to a friend of mine who was dating a total asshole. They guy’s insecurities always spilled out if my friend talk to a man in front of him. She asked my bf how our relationship was going and made a heart with her hands, and her bf completely flipped out on her, in front of everyone. This was at their

I’m a WOC - but I don’t think this is body shaming. She said nothing about her body - but even with her incredibly sexy body, she couldn’t pull off a perfect 10 sexy routine they were going for. Lots of people use the term uncomfortable. Looking at Crocs on someone’s feet makes me uncomfortable. In the context it was

As a black person, I’m tired of having to feel offended all the damn time today. Why do we as black people, expect all of this from white people? One of my cousins is studying film right now. The way I see it, we need to take things for ourselves instead of expecting others to do it. There are many talented AA

When I tell people about taking bc and having four periods a year and how awesome it is, I always get the same answer about how I SHOULD have a period every month. Like I'm just bending the laws of nature. They act like it will kill me or something!