
You're not wrong. You have every right to have that opinion. I'm am AA female and most of my family has served in the military. I feel conflicted as well. On one hand it's great he's garnering attention, but there has to be and end game. We can sit and protest symbols all day, but we have to work together to get the

Dolezal aside, things like this make me so happy. I transitioned to natural hair and did the big chop! I’m still letting it grow out, so I’ve been wearing crochet hairstyles to protect it. I never used to think I could fall in love with my natural hair after having relaxers since I was 5 years old. It's just so

I have a friend who is a vegan activities, and one night while we were drinking, she brought up vaccinations. She believes that Bill Gates is part of a new world order to wipe out our world's population by providing vaccinations. I really couldn't wrap my head around her logic, and when I asked her why would he get

My first name is Achille, and yes, it's been a difficult ride.

Black girl here - i was actually happy about the tones in the game, but I overlooked the hair aspect because it doesn't bother me much. Maybe bc there's only one style anyway, so I don't necessarily feel excluded. Also, I live downtown and not really an affluent area, and I am surrounded by stops. These stops have

This reminds me of parents banning books at a school I went to long ago. I understand it is hard to view /read (it's happened to me before) but for me, shows and books like GoT aren't a trigger for me. And I don't expect every show, book, or movie to edit out the bad in the world. I'll simply skip over it if I don't

Probably because men are considered stronger.

I went to a bar in Cocoa Beach after visiting the Kennedy Space Center, and I was ecstatic that I was sitting in a chair he sat in before. I'm a space dork so I had a total fan girl moment.

THIS is why I'll never understand my Republican gay/black/Korean cousin....

I have put off getting precancerous cells removed for the second time now. I'm trying not to freak out about it, but it gets costly.

She could also mean that millenials typically expect success and a six figure salary by the time they're 30, without considering that many people don't start to hit that peak until much later. Some of us do feel entitled to certain things I guess.

You sound fun to be around...

Best laugh I've had today!!

Damn - - why are these conservatives so obsessed with black people? They act like we run shit and we are only 13% of the population! And they love bringing up BET. I hate when they get angry about black people not voting conservative, and in the same breath say racist shit -like, they clearly can’t connect why black

Same with my black family. No one seems to want to admit that they have a black or white ancestor - - bc rape. I guess being Native American just sounds more noble and less tragic.

Nooooo.... Jezzie's would have to keep their drinks on lock. You know those Breitbart dudes have roofies piled up in their pockets!

Ugh looks like my nephew...

I was seeing this douche bag in college, and he left me alone with his friend. I was so drunk the world was upside down. And I just remember his friend being on top of me. The DB came home and opened the door to him on top of me, blood all over the bed. He throws me in his car. I just remember screaming to the top of

My sister passed away the day after, on April 22nd. She definitely left a blast crater as well. I hope I can get through this.

I wish they'd do this with port a potties. And that someone would tip that shit over.