It’s not “The Wire Effect”, it’s “The Lost Effect”.
It’s not “The Wire Effect”, it’s “The Lost Effect”.
Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy also signed a big production deal at Amazon and are working on a show there, so I don’t know how committed they are going to be to fixing season 4 of Westworld
Ed Harris wasn’t fine with it:
The Wire and the Sopranos also, both spearheaded by passionate, clear visioned men who brought on a great team of collaborators. I also credit former CEO Chris Albrecht for overseeing the big picture. The network’s been downhill since he left.
I know that not all the Doloreses are the same (The wildly circuitous arc of Hale-Dolores took this season made that abundantly clear.) I just can’t get invested in one of them dying, even if it’s the “original” Dolores, knowing that there are at least 2 other (non-Hale) copies out there with all her old memories and…
I’m sorry, but what? Don’t blame The Wire for being well-crafted storytelling. That’s like saying Watchmen ruined comics (it didn’t). Anyhow, The Wire was largely ignored by audiences, so how does it now somehow have an outsized influence on an entire medium? Are we to understand that the $$$-minded TV execs and…
You should probably watch The Sopranos.
I think Westworld’s shortcomings are more of a Nolan/Joy problem. I think this is one of those Abrams projects where he just slaps his name on it to collect a check; the bulk of his involvement is turning in one page of notes every season (and there’s always just one note, and it is “Mystery is important.” )
Writing what you wrote about HBO never producing much of creative significance isn’t exactly a smart decision on your part. I just don't comprehend how you see Band of Brothers as being substantially better and more significant than something like Sopranos.
You do know Abrams has no real creative involvement with this right? He’s never gotten close to any episode in any real capacity and given how busy he’s been Star Wars since this show started, I doubt he’s even seen it.
TV before The Wire was 99% crap, there was nothing to ruin. All good TV came out after it
They took the dumbest stuff from the stupefyingly confusing finale last season (big computers with humans and hosts brains in them, then another one for host heaven? Or some shit? Dolores deleting the hosts? Or not?) and doubled down on it this season. There was no way this season could work being perched on nonsense…
So basically your theory is that you’re smart and everyone else is dumb.
Going to disagree there.
If it wasn’t for Vincent Cassell being consistently fun, I would literally forget Serac exists after each episode.
Yeah, I think this was the natural ending point of this show. I would have given the whole series a B overall just for the spectacle, even if it meant that Jeffrey Wright and his performance had pretty much been completely wasted.
Exactly what I came to say, this whole thing is just so painfully dull. From the futuristic anarchic setting, to the genius savant creating a villainous AI-type creation, to the monologues about good and bad before a wooden choreographed fight scene. Like, it’s all been done before so, so many times. The few truly…
Also would like to add Lena Waithe and Marshawn Lynch added nothing to the season except a distracting, “WTF are Lena Waithe and Marshawn Lynch doing on Westworld?”
Serac was just a dime-store villain. What a fucking dull character. What a waste of screen time. Likewise the Caleb character is 100% meh. Never any investment in his choices, fate, etc.
100% agree with Zack; that’s two seasons in a row where I tell myself “The people telling this story know where they’re going with it” and end up 2 months later realizing they absolutely did not. The last 30 minutes had me rolling my eyes at the Dolores pontificating, unengaged, just waiting for something for something…