
“I’m a history major, but don’t particularly like teaching and don’t want to go back to school, give me a job at Goldman Sachs.”

I’m so conflicted... On one hand, flag burning is fucking terrible, but on the other hand, people who support the Eagles are total dicks.

Man Who Beats Wife and Child has Opinion

If you vote for a vegetable just because it's a vegetable, you're a vegan.

Democrats need to take a page out of the Conservative play book. Call the bill, “The Protect our Police Officers Act” and then literally start screaming that conservatives are voting against the safety of our proud service men and women.

He’s probably the third most influential member of the Democratic Party, behind Hillary and Obama. You would hope that he has a significant influence on the agenda.

I think the younger generation made it clear what platforms they support. It’s smart to try to permanently unite the under 30 crowd with the Democratic Party while you can.

This is what happens when the world’s best lawyers make an agreement with town councilmen.

So it wouldn’t be nice? I think a “boys will be boys” mentality would be great in the justice system as long as it applied to women and minorities equally.

How about having a “good ole days” mentality without the racism and sexism?

My bubbles

Every major teaches you theses skills..

Majored in accounting and minors in economics I got a job in accounting and finance.

Is spades a black person thing? Me and my friends are as white as it gets and used to play all the time.

Hearing about the bankruptcy really put a Denton my day, but this just made it a good Thiel better.

I think .05 seconds is the acceptable amount of time to consider fucking a motionless body if drunk.... Followed by like 3 days of feeling like absolute trash.

He got beat by Hillary Clinton :(

If it reaches the Supreme Court with only eight justices, a 4-4 split reverts back to the prior court’s decision. Bet the GOP wishes they had that moderately conservative judge Obama asked for now!

Either way you get someone who publicly hated black people and homosexuals. But one still does, so I guess there's that silver lining.

Must've been a lot of fucking afterwards.