
No love for House of Cards.

I have a theory that Donald Trump is only popular because of the Liberal Media and their followers. He’s a troll and we keep feeding him. As a result, more and more conservatives are jumping on the troll wagon.

Holy shit you are thick.

Also, I should comment on the delusional revisionist vomit that you just wrote.

Don’t get upset sport. You’re spending way too much time defending Tommy. They’re cheap. It’s not even a bad thing, most billionaires are.

This article is mind-numbing.

Off the top of my head? Fucking over Kris Bryant, reneging on their agreement with rooftop bar owners to box out their view and the Ricketts family is notorious for Union-busting dirty politics.

If you believe they privately financed the renovations for anything but self-serving purposes, you’re delusional.

Privately financing their stadium upgrades is evidence of how cheap management is! They couldn’t go the public route because they would get tied up in legal battles surrounding their decision to box out all of the surrounding bars. That was just a PR move.

Being cheap and being smart are not mutually exclusive. It is being cheap. It’s the definition of cheap. It’s the same as benching a player so they don’t reach a contract milestone. Yeah, sure, it’s a smart decision, but it’s still cheap as shit.

Sure, if they want to dig deep and pick up a major free agent I’m sure Tommy Ricketts can find the cash, but he never would. This is a guy too cheap to play Kris Bryant the entire year because he could force him to be minor league eligible by benching him. Sure, you saved some money, but you're burning bridges with

They can't. Even if they could, they won't.

Baez still has a real possibility of never making it out of the minors. He’s a career .201 hitter with a 6:1 K/BB ratio. He doesn’t hit for power enough to warrant the OBP liability.

I would imagine that the best way a private diving company can handle something like this is: find the wreck, document everything, recover everything possible, keep documenting it, come back to your native home country (hopefully not Columbia or Spain) and announce the find. If it’s still in the water it's fair game.

The native Central and South American people have a few questions about where Spain got that gold, thanks.

It’s weird to think a franchise established in 1998 can have a “throwback” uniform.

“Your Honor, George Zimmerman’s complete lack of social awareness presented a clear threat to my life. If I had not mailed him my feces I was legitimately concerned that my head would explode.”

Holy shit.

Is it illegal to mail him feces?

It goes with what you’re familiar with and is less intimidating. If you read the article, there is just as much (70%) of a gender bias with mother’s with daughters as opposed to sons. With a son, a mother is more inclined to go back to work and a father is more inclined to help out. Vice verse for a daughter.