
“So basically women couldn’t be in charge of the nuclear codes because of our periods, obvi!”

Thugs can have a heart of gold, but at the end of the day, they're just thugs.

Utley leads off, the Mets start a middle reliever and the middle reliever beans Utley. The MR gets ejected, Harvey comes in and the Mets pinch run Utley.

Dude definitely had a chubby.

So if you’ve gotten your nails done sometime in the past 30 years, you have directly contributed to and benefited from slave labor.

“I did it because people wanted to read it, and because it was important that they did.”

To me, “feminist” has a negative connotation. I share many beliefs as a feminist, but I would never label myself as one.

There is no fan base more obnoxious and self-pitying than the Mets/Jets combo.

Literally dangling from a cliff? That must've been scary as fuck.

Seriously, who gives a shit? These banners are PG-13 and hilarious.

Lol Hillary supporters are fucking idiots.

Honestly, this is on the Bermuda government. You can’t expect people to protect beaches, forests or parks with respect unless you make them National Parks or outlaw such behavior. Unfortunately, if they did so, they would also be forced to take action against constant littering and dumping on such beaches, because

That graph is comical.

40% of Americans don't pay income tax.

I hate when men sneak into women bathrooms and be all pervy.

Boxers or briefs?

Grumpy Old Man Grumpy Today

It was Starbucks and not judging. She can do whatever she wishes with her body and her baby’s body. Just read the title and made me think about it.

A coworker drank 2-3 cups of coffee a day when she was pregnant. Her excuse was, “it’s only half-caff!”

The banker stole a town from the hipster who stole the town from the black man who was forced there by the white man who originally stole the land from the red man.