
Wow, that's a LOT in child support. Did you get a raw deal? I'm asking because I have no idea. It sure sounds like it. Well...if it were me, I would be thinking along the lines of, I can sit over here in the corner and suck my thumb with a victim mentality or I can go pick up a part time job and make some more money.

I would suggest to join a gym and maintain your health. You will be working whole life, forget about retirement.

Honestly? Adjust your expectations for retirement. Even stowing away loads into savings won't compensate for the decades of compounded growth you missed out on. You'll need to cope with working later into life, or adjusting your lifestyle to be more affordable. The truth hurts, but if you haven't saved anything by 40,

Party, party, party, and then when you retire in poverty, complain about how our society doesn't take care of its elderly.

You ultimately have to be able to invest 15% of your income, not counting any matching. Most people say "I can't afford to do that! I have credit card bills and car payments!". So, the first step is to get out and STAY OUT of debt. Pay it all off except your mortgage, and then save $10 - $15K or more in an emergency

Pre-chopped vegetables can save a ton of time and energy, sure, but unless you really trust your grocery store, you're almost always paying more for someone to take the vegetables at the worst possible freshness that the produce department can no longer sell whole and have someone dice them up for you and put them in

You blogged it, what did you expect?

This Blogger Is The Worst Thing On Gawker

Historically, purchasing power is halved about every 17 years, so $8k when will buy about as much as $4k now.

The thing is... if your financial situation is such that you can't save more than a dollar a week, or two dollars a week, you definitely have bigger concerns than whether or not you can gift your child with $8,000 18 years down the road. That's not to say that you shouldn't save at all, it's to say that priorities

What makes one cone different from another? For example, Chemex, Kalita Wave, and V60 are all operating on the same principles, with ostensibly the same physics and using the same process. V60 has grooves, while the Kalita Wave and Chemex are smooth. That's pretty much the only difference I can see between the

At the end of the day this boils down to a form of procrastination. And not just regular old guild ridden procrastination, but a sneaky kind that makes us feel like we're actually getting work done!

I'm with you, and I agree, but I don't think a lot of people (including teachers) are taking it this way. In engineering it's more like "I went through this entire process, and oops I missed a negative sign in the middle here, so I got the wrong answer, but my entire process was right", so you get part marks. Lots

My problem is that I very much enjoy cooking and am very good at it, but am too lazy to cook just for me. If' I'm cooking for guests or my roommates I'll do it, but if it's just for me I just don't bother.

I struggle with this all the time, as Seth Godin calls it "the imposter syndrome". I teach game development through my site and for another site and every time I post something I feel like someone more "senior" in my field is going to call me out.

There is the Dunning-Kruger effect to take into account, though. I don't like the idea of disseminating bad advice to people who don't know better (and who will continue to spread it) because I think I know more than I do.

200,000 to 300,000 per child. Hopefully they stay in state. And want to be engineers.

None. She is currently working full time while going to college like her Mom and I did. Your education is worth a lot more to you if you have to work hard to earn it instead of having it paid for so you can party.

I'd like to add one: the septic system (where applicable). Most old ones are grandfathered in as long as they are working (at least in PA), but to upgrade/replace could run you $30-60k depending on your terrain/area/permitting/etc.

I'd like to add Foundation to this list.