
The "foot" part of the etymology of the game (and the Football/Futebal of the rest of the world) has absolutely nothing to do with kicking, or use of foot on the ball.

Now playing

Glaring omission of Nightmare on My Street by the Fresh Prince

The Victor there is Victor Mancha formerly from the Runaways comics.

My theories for Vin Diesel are the following 2;

Your allusion to the Iron Giant is what I believe gives the best clue to what they are meeting with him about.

I agree whole-heartedly. It's sad that she won't even be considered for an award for her work on this show. Had it been one character with multiple personality disorder, then it would be guaranteed award consideration, but since they are technically different characters, it won't even get a look.

I agree that Mrs. S probably escaped with Kira, but I think the big secret reveal about her is going to be that she (and the male scientist in the photo) are the providers of the original genetic material.

Only thing I would change is the network, it was perfect otherwise.


Everytime I see the news about Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch, I immediately think Pietro is who Nathan Fillion is going to end up playing in the Marvel films.

King of the Hill

I am calling it now, Netflix will pick it up as one of their "originals."

Yeah, I pushed through the whole thing in one sitting. I am not sure the payoff was worth the time investment. The other Netflix originals were so good I gave this a huge amount of slack, but it didn't really amount to anything. There were a few decent moments peppered throughout the series, but overall it was pretty

Cable would be easy to include, even in the next film. Remember his Ultimate universe origin,....he's just Wolverine.

Private Public - GI Joes Public Affairs liason

I just heard about Cobra's counterpart for Dee-Jay yesterday.....

Ok, something is definitely off. I gave the last few episodes a pass because I thought perhaps my displeasure with the removal of Mr. Harmon was clouding my judgement, but that is not the case at all.

I agree that the spark has sorta returned in this stretch. The stories themselves may only have been so-so, but the world building is what is making it great again. It's expanded beyond the same demon, ghost, angel trifecta. We get unexplored myths (golems) and now expansion of previously covered lore (familiars for

Austin isn't bad news for gaming companies, the studios just always tend to close their Austin branches first. Due to a massive tax incentive enacted a few years back, every major gaming company opened a studio in Austin,...and when cost-cutting measures are needed, those studios are the first to get sliced.

Two more things to add;