Girth Pigeon

I think I remember reading somewhere that was totally made up. They had heard the rumors themselves that Bcoops wasn't going to be available, even though he was, and so they wrote that into the show. They thought it would be hilarious to have a huge A-lister in there and cover his face up with a ski mask. Hilarious if

I agree on the music front. Still think season 1 had the best stringly tunes

I would say a little tiny step down. Still near the top of the staircase tho. High enough I wouldn't risk any horseplay

the female centipede will fight when cornered folks

Was totally feeling the "this season is a minor step down" vibes that seem to be quite prevalent around these parts up until last episode and this one. And that LA ep. That was a neat field trip. Sure feels like Fargo again. Once they revealed Nikki was sitting next to Mr. Wrench and those drums kicked in I got a big

Apparently it started with an episode of Louie a couple years ago. That was the first fuckword on basic cable ever. Then during the People vs OJ red haired lady who blows it screams out a frothy "motherucker!!" at the end of an episode. Now I think they've realized advertisers seem to have finally grown some plums

Good job Internet!

You guys are a fun bunch

just wikipedia'd useless machines and apparently they are based off a dude named Marvin Minsky's design.. This show is so clever I wanna punch it in the face.

as another straight white male can verify it's important to have opinions on things that don't affect you at all

Okay man simmer down. Just because the fellar didn't like your show doesn't mean ya gotta get all insulty. For the record I'm a fellow Westworlder

gotta do what you love man

I think this every time Elsie, Sylvestor or Stubbs speak. Cookie cutter characters right there

the crazy milkman was one of his underlings who was sick of his shit. Then the milkman got put in the cooler. The main guy I think you speak of was the leader of the bandits and he's fit as a fiddle to keep going about his daily murdering the rancher and his family business

Well hey looks like this episode finally answered the question of how hosts and workers seem to be magically teleporting throughout the park. They seem to have a Wonka elevator of sorts

First point. Totally agree. Stupid name, but that's what the good people have been calling it so I have been as well.

he talks to that charmer Clem not Maeve

Just a quick Stubbsitution

Actually just rewatched the first few episodes and this Felix sap was actually the ole softie who tried to clothe them when Ford got all Hannibally

So this whole place looks to be built on top of and inside a giant cliff. So maybe Forder or someone plowed a river through it and it flooded those floors. Ya know how those tech companies are. Love their water features