
Keeley is the Ann Perkins of the show.

She is introduced as a secondary character, the audience likes her, the writers keep her around but don’t really know what to do with the character after her arc is completed, so they decide to keep her linked to the main story through consecutive romantic storylines. I don’t

Introduced me to Radiohead - changed the way i listened to music forever.

[Trish’s] greatest superpower turns out to be denial”

Oh, that was Pornstache?! Who knew!

It is amazing how little I care about Daya, Aleida and the whole drug lord showdown.
Literally ANY other storyline is more interesting, even the one with the chicken murder investigation.


The show has become absolutely random.

I mean, she has already pulled a dracarys on that bed, so...

If it weren’t for the slo-mo and the blank stares, the episode would last 12 minutes.

It was fine and fun and everything.

Amy Adams?!

Oh, The Americans... always depicting the most poignant sadness in the subtlest, most nuanced manner.

First episode was more Broad City than Bojack.

Wow, this review is seriously full of spoilers for the finale.

I don’t think it was a rational decision. The House seemed to be calling her (ever since she was a child, no less) and her time had finally come.

The reviewer seems to be stuck with a show show doesn’t like, based on a book she really liked.

Well, as someone who’d never read the book and had no idea what to expect (other than a haunted house horror story), I found this to be surprisingly interesting and character-driven. I don’t mind a jump scare here and there, they are so tastefully given, almost like an hommage to the genre.

Hello from the future.

One of those dramedies where everyone is pretty much insufferable and you just keep hoping for couples to break up and friendships to end.